Civil war

By dbolt5
  • Battle of Bulls Run

    Battle of Bulls Run
    This marked the first of many major battles in the civil war. It was were the south attacked Fort Sumter and the Northern press and public wanted the Union to advance on Virginia.
  • Shiloh

    This battle allowed the Union to penetrate the confederate land and was the deadliest of any war on american soil. This ultimately ended in Union victory and allowed the Union to advance towards Mississippi
  • Second Battle at Bulls Run

    Second Battle at Bulls Run
    This battle resulted in Confederate victory which was the deciding factor to the civil war campaign in Virginia during 1862. This second loss near Bulls run lead to the Dismissal of Gen. John Pope and Lee's marchward North.
  • Antietam

    This is the deadliest one day battle in american history and the outcome of it would shape america's future. A union victory allowed Lincoln to release his Emancipation Proclamation and was considered a stale mate by many historians
  • Fredericksburg

    The confederate army won this battle leaving the Union with 12,500 casualties. The Union retreated resulting in them not advancing more south and capturing Richmond.
  • Stones river

    Stones river
    An uncoordinated attack by the confederate army led to a win for the union. The Union held their own but it would end up putting all their soldiers out for around 6 months because they barley one the very bloody battle.
  • Chancellorsville

    This resulted in a win for the confederate army. Hooker the Union general was optimistic but also timid which led to poor decisions and a loss in the battle.
  • Vicksburg

    After a 47 day siege the Confederate army surrendered to General Grant resulting in Union victory. By the North winning this they split the confederate and gained access to the Mississippi. Lincoln said that Vicksburg was the key and until the Key was in our pocket we couldn't win the war,
  • Gettysburg

    The Union won at the battle of Gettysburg and that crushed hopes of the Confederate supporters because there chance of becoming and independent nation became small. Although the UNion won they could have pursued the retreating south and put General Lee in a position to surrender.
  • Chickamauga

    The battle resulted in Confederate victory and was a much needed win after losses at Gettysburg and Fredericksburg. Chickamauga laid on the Tennessee river and was a cross road between 4 railroads. Lincoln knew that if he could capture this it would cut off a vital supply line for the south.
  • Chattanooga

    This battle was a Union win and the city would later be turned into a supply and communication base for Sherman's march to the sea in 1864. This battle opened up the deep south for the Union to attack and try and take control of.
  • Wilderness

    This war had no winner and was inconclusive. There were many casualties on both sides and the Union would not retreat no matter what because General Grant promised president Lincoln he would not halt his army's advancement.
  • Spotsylvania Courthouse

    Spotsylvania Courthouse
    This battle ended inconclusive but it took place over 12 days and cost around 30,000 casualties in total. The Union troops tried really hard to break the confederate line but ultimately disengaged and continued on their march southwards,
  • Cold Harbor

    Cold Harbor
    This battle had a result of a confederate win because the Union could not penetrate the confederate defense. Despite the loss General Grant managed to deceive the confederate army and sneak across the James River to escape.
  • Atlanta

    Union won this battle and the confederate's tried attacking the union in atlanta but failed miserably. Commanders Hood and Sherman fought for the city of Atlanta throughout the summer but eventually Hood backed off on September 1, 1864 and Union now had control over Atlanta.