Civil war soldiers

Civil War Avie Pittman

  • Lincoln's Inauguration

    Lincoln's Inauguration
    The new president said he had no plans to end slavery in those states where it already existed, but he also said he would not accept secession. He hoped to resolve the national crisis without warfare.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Attack on Fort Sumter
    When President Lincoln planned to send supplies to Fort Sumter, he alerted the state in advance, in an attempt to avoid hostilities. South Carolina, however, feared a trick; the commander of the fort, Robert Anderson, was asked to surrender immediately.
  • West Virginia Is Born

    West Virginia Is Born
    Residents of the western counties of Virginia did not wish to secede along with the rest of the state. This section of Virginia was admitted into the Union as the state of West Virginia.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    Public demand pushed General-in-Chief Winfield Scott to advance on the South before adequately training his untried troops. Scott ordered General Irvin McDowell to advance on Confederate troops stationed at Manassas Junction, Virginia. McDowell attacked on July 21, and was initially successful, but the introduction of Confederate reinforcements resulted in a Southern victory and a chaotic retreat toward Washington by federal troops.
  • Abraham Lincoln Takes Action

    Abraham Lincoln Takes Action
    President Lincoln issued a war order authorizing the Union to launch a unified aggressive action against the Confederacy. General McClellan ignored the order.
  • Monitor vs. Merrimack

    Monitor vs. Merrimack
    Monitor was the union ironclad, while Merrimack was the confederate ironclad. This was the first ironclad battle in history.
  • McClellan Loses Command

    McClellan Loses Command
    President Lincoln -- impatient with General McClellan's inactivity -- issued an order reorganizing the Army of Virginia and relieving McClellan of supreme command. McClellan was given command of the Army of the Potomac, and ordered to attack Richmond. This marked the beginning of the Peninsular Campaign.
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    The Battle of Shiloh
    Confederate forces attacked Union forces under General Ulysses S. Grant at Shiloh, Tennessee. By the end of the day, the federal troops were almost defeated.
  • Fort Pulaski, Georgia

    Fort Pulaski, Georgia
    General Quincy A. Gillmore battered Fort Pulaski, the imposing masonry structure near the mouth of the Savannah River, into submission in less than two days, (April 10-11, 1862). His work was promptly recorded by the indefatigable Timothy H. O'Sullivan.
  • The Peninsular Campaign

    The Peninsular Campaign
    In April, General McClellan's troops left northern Virginia to begin the Peninsular Campaign. By May 4, they occupied Yorktown, Virginia. At Williamsburg, Confederate forces prevented McClellan from meeting the main part of the Confederate army, and McClellan halted his troops, awaiting reinforcements.
  • The Battle of Seven Pines (Fair Oaks)

    The Battle of Seven Pines (Fair Oaks)
    The Confederate army attacked federal forces at Seven Pines, almost defeating them; last-minute reinforcements saved the Union from a serious defeat. Confederate commander Joseph E. Johnston was severely wounded, and command of the Army of Northern Virginia fell to Robert E. Lee.
  • The Seven Days' Battles

    The Seven Days' Battles
    Between June 26 and July 2, Union and Confederate forces fought a series of battles: Mechanicsville (June 26-27), Gaines's Mill (June 27), Savage's Station (June 29), Frayser's Farm (June 30), and Malvern Hill (July 1). On July 2, the Confederates withdrew to Richmond, ending the Peninsular Campaign.
  • A New Commander of the Union Army

    A New Commander of the Union Army
    Major-General Henry Halleck was named general-in-chief of the Union army.
  • Pope's Campaign

    Pope's Campaign
    Union General John Pope suffered defeated at the Second Battle of Bull Run on August 29-30. General Fitz-John Porter was held responsible for the defeat because he had failed to commit his troops to battle quickly enough; he was forced out of the army by 1863.
  • Harper's Ferry

    Harper's Ferry
    Union General McClellan defeated Confederate General Lee at South Mountain and Crampton's Gap in September, but did not move quickly enough to save Harper's Ferry, which fell to Confederate General Jackson on September 15, along with a great number of men and a large body of supplies.
  • Antietam

    The Army of the Potomac was under the command of George McClellan.They mounted a series of powerful assaults against Robert E. Lee’s forces near Sharpsburg, Maryland.
  • McClellan was fired

    McClellan was fired
    Lee puts in all of his men, while McClellan plays 3/4 of his men. This was the bloodiest single-day battle in history.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Abraham Lincoln wanted to wait until the union army had a secure victory. He said that, "all slaves in these states are free" but in reality the emancipation proclamation did not free all slaves.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    This battle lasted three whole days. The union took high ground but they eventually left their position.
  • Vicksburg

    Vicksburg was the last fort needed for the anaconda plan. The union wanted the location to take over the Mississippi River.
  • The Battle of Chickamauga

    The Battle of Chickamauga
    Union and Confederate forces met on the Tennessee-Georgia border, near Chickamauga Creek. After the battle, Union forces retreated to Chattanooga, and the Confederacy maintained control of the battlefield.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    The first orator spoke for 2 hours long. Lincoln decieded to speak for only 2 minutes.
  • The Battle of Chattanooga

    The Battle of Chattanooga
    Union forces pushed Confederate troops away from Chattanooga. The victory set the stage for General Sherman's Atlanta Campaign.
  • The Siege of Knoxville

    The Siege of Knoxville
    The difficult strategic situation of the federal armies after Chickamauga enabled Bragg to detach a force under Longstreet to drive Burnside out of eastern Tennessee. Burnside sought refuge in Knoxville, which he successfully defended from Confederate assaults.
  • The Siege of Petersburg

    The Siege of Petersburg
    Grant hoped to take Petersburg, below Richmond, and then approach the Confederate capital from the south. The attempt failed, resulting in a ten month siege and the loss of thousands of lives on both sides.
  • Confederate Troops Approach Washington, D.C.

    Confederate Troops Approach Washington, D.C.
    Confederate General Jubal Early led his forces into Maryland to relieve the pressure on Lee's army. Early got within five miles of Washington, D.C., but on July 13, he was driven back to Virginia.
  • General William T. Sherman's Atlanta Campaign

    General William T. Sherman's Atlanta Campaign
    Union General Sherman departed Chattanooga, and was soon met by Confederate General Joseph Johnston. Skillful strategy enabled Johnston to hold off Sherman's force -- almost twice the size of Johnston's. However, Johnston's tactics caused his superiors to replace him with General John Bell Hood, who was soon defeated.
  • Burning of Atlanta

    Burning of Atlanta
    The Sherman march was in Atlanta. Confederate troops try to cut off the Union supply line. They burned down Atlanta on November 15, 1864.
  • Hood before Nashville

    Hood before Nashville
    Continuing his policy of taking the offensive at any cost, General John B. Hood brought his reduced army before the defenses of Nashville, where it was repulsed by General George H. Thomas on December 15-16, in the most complete victory of the war. If the dates borne by the first two items are correct, the photographs were taken in the course of battle
  • Sherman at the Sea

    Sherman at the Sea
    After marching through Georgia for a month, Sherman stormed Fort McAllister on December 13, 1864, and captured Savannah itself eight days later. These seven views show the former stronghold and its dismantling preparatory to Sherman's further movement northward.
  • Fort Fisher, North Carolina

    Fort Fisher, North Carolina
    After Admiral David D. Porter's squadron of warships had subjected Fort Fisher to a terrific bombardment, General Alfred H. Terry's troops took it by storm on January 15, and Wilmington, North Carolina, the last resort of the blockade-runners, was sealed off. Timothy H. O'Sullivan promptly recorded the strength of the works and the effects of the bombardment.
  • Fallen Richmond

    Fallen Richmond
    On March 25, General Lee attacked General Grant's forces near Petersburg, but was defeated -- attacking and losing again on April 1. On April 2, Lee evacuated Richmond, the Confederate capital, and headed west to join with other forces.
  • Fallen Richmond -- April-June, 1865

    Fallen Richmond -- April-June, 1865
    Alexander Gardner and probably other photographers made a splendid record of the Confederate capital, desolate after the evacuation of April 2 and the fire which raged along the waterfront but fortunately had stopped short of Thomas Jefferson's capitol. The photographs are arranged in a kind of guided tour of the city, first along the James from Rocketts westward to the Tredegar Iron Works, inland to the capitol and its environs, and on to the residence of President Jefferson Davis. Present-day
  • Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse

    Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
    General Lee's troops were soon surrounded, and on April 7, Grant called upon Lee to surrender. On April 9, the two commanders met at Appomattox Courthouse, and agreed on the terms of surrender. Lee's men were sent home on parole -- soldiers with their horses, and officers with their side arms. All other equipment was surrendered.
  • War Officially Ends

    War Officially Ends
    Jefferson Davis frees Richmond. Lee and Grant agree to meet in Appromattox Court House and Lee surrenders.
  • Assassination of President Lincoln

    Assassination of President Lincoln
    As President Lincoln was watching a performance of "Our American Cousin" at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C., he was shot by John Wilkes Booth, an actor from Maryland obsessed with avenging the Confederate defeat. Lincoln died the next morning. Booth escaped to Virginia. Eleven days later, cornered in a burning barn, Booth was fatally shot by a Union soldier. Nine other people were involved in the assassination; four were hanged, four imprisoned, and one acquitted.
  • Final Surrenders among Remaining Confederate Troops

    Final Surrenders among Remaining Confederate Troops
    Remaining Confederate troops were defeated between the end of April and the end of May. Jefferson Davis was captured in Georgia on May 10.
  • The Grand Review of the Army

    The Grand Review of the Army
    The Army of the Potomac paraded on May 23, and the Army of Georgia on May 24. Unfortunately most of the photographs, thought to have been taken by Brady himself, fail to distinguish either the unit or the day.
  • The Execution of Captain Henry Wirz

    The Execution of Captain Henry Wirz
    The notorious superintendent of the Confederate prison at Andersonville, Georgia, was tried by a military commission presided over by General Lew Wallace from August 23 to October 24, 1865, and was hanged in the yard of the Old Capitol Prison on November 10.
  • Ku Klux Klan formed

    Ku Klux Klan formed
    Anyone who supported Republican party was executed. For example, a carpetbagger. Also anyone who was African American would be executed as well.They didn't want african american's to vote because they would vote Republican. It was a form of intimidation and it worked.