Harper's Ferry
John Brown(Abolitionist) leads raid and attacks innconet people to abolish slavery. One of the leading events thah leads up to civil war. -
South Secedes
South Secedes on November 7th during buchanan's presidency. First state to secede was South Carolina, followed by 6 others before Lincoln's inauguration. -
Confederate States of America established
All Southern states established as confederacy except for the 4 border states at the Montgomery Convention. -
Lincolns First Election
Lincoln wins election of 186o with 40% of popular vote. Not the most popular. Has antislavery views, which is why southern states secede. -
First income tax
Levied by union to help pay for the war. Needed to raise 320 million total for war efforts. -
1st Battle of Bull Run
1st big battle of civil war. Thomas Jackson earns nickname "stonewall". -
1st Confiscation Act
act of Congress during the early months of the American Civil War permitting court proceedings for confiscation of any of property being used to support the Confederate independence effort, including slaves. -
Trent Affair
Union ship intercepts Great Britain mail. almost led to war with GB -
Monitor vs Merrimac
Monitor (south) vs Merrimack (north) First naval engagement of ironclad ships. Changes naval battles across the world forever. -
Confederate army gains weapons through force. Changes course of war. -
National Draft law instated
Men between 18 to 65 in north will be entered in a draft. Can pay 300 to have a substitute. -
Capture Of New Orleans
New Orleans was the largest Confederate city at the time. First step for north in gaining control of the Mississippi River. -
Homestead Acts
Gives 160 acres of land to citizens for little or no cost.Encouraged individual farmers to farm land. -
2nd Confiscation Act
It stated that any Confederate official, military or civilian, who did not surrender within 60 days of the act's passage would have their slaves freed in criminal proceedings. However, this act was only applicable to Confederate areas that had already been occupied by the Union Army. -
The bloodiest battle of the civil war. Lee vs Mclellan. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln states that all slaves are free. This applies to confederate states. If north wins, no more slavery. -
Habeas Corpus suspended
Lincoln suspends writ of habeas corpus. This was to gain a political advantage. -
Grant traps south army in brilliant move. Grant gains huge support from northern people, very well liked. -
Capture of Atlanta
Sherman burns most of Atlnata. Then he begins journey famously known as "march to the sea". -
Lincoln's reelection
Lincoln is very popular president when reelected because he is on brink of winning civil war. Still faces many challenges during presidency. -
Capture of Richmond
Richmond is capital of the confederacy. Lee abandons and essentially gives up the war. -
Surrender at Appomattox
with his army surrounded, his men weak and exhausted, Robert E. Lee realized there was little choice but to consider the surrender of his Army to General Grant. After a series of notes between the two leaders, they agreed to meet on April 9, 1865, at the house of Wilmer McLean in the village of Appomattox Courthouse. The meeting lasted approximately two and one-half hours and at its conclusion the bloodliest conflict in the nation's history neared its end. -
Lincoln's Assasination
Lincoln is assassinated by actor John Wilkes Booth while watching a play. Does not quite see end of the civil war. -
Sherman's March to the Sea
Atlant to Savannah. Sherman basically destroys civilian propety while he is on this march. -
13th Amendment
This is the amendment tht ablolishes slavery. 2 year process to ratify.