Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter in the harbor of Charleston, S.C., Abraham Lincoln decided to do something about the forts that remained under federal control. He knew Fort Sumter was running out of supplies, and he had to take action. He was to give the fort supplies, but he was risking war at the same time. He told the troops to leave the fort. Right before the supply ships took dock, at 4:30 A.M. on April 12, 1861, the shore is full of guns shooting in all directions. Anderson was forced to surrender. South Won. -
Battle of Bull Run (1st)
The Union army wanted to take Richmond, Virginia but it would be very hard to defeat Confederate troops when they were stationed very close to where they wanted to capture.On the Union side, Beaurdah and theConfederate's, McClellan. On July 21,1861, The Confederate's won this bloody battle and they shocked the North, surprisely. They then realized they had not won but lost the Battle of Bull Run. -
Battle of Hampton Roads
Hampton Roads, Virginia, March 8-9, 1862, was the beginning of a bloody battle between John Worden, North leader, and Franklin Buchanan, Southern leader. The Confederates were angry and ran into Virginia. March 9th the very beginning,the Union army arrived at the battle loadedguns ready to shoot. The Confederates ironclad sank Cumberland.This part in history is remembered as the first engagement of ironclads. Virginia retired,They fought and fought till standstill.Inconclusive results for battle -
Battle of Shiloh
April 6-7, 1862, in Nashville,Tennessee, the fiercest fighting in the Civil War had started. The South leader Johnston surprised the Union leader, Grant, near Shiloh Church. General Johnston was killed in a couple seconds. Beauregard had heard about the death of Johnston. One night passed as a horrible thunderstorm. Union boats found Grant's camp, but Grant attack them and won Victory for the Union1 -
Battle of Bull Run (2nd)
This Battle was from Aug. 29-30 in 1862, and was said to be the most significant battles in the Civil War. In Virginia, near the Rapidan River, a battle was taking place. On the battle lines lay the Union with the captain of Mr. Jackson, and The Confederates with the captain of Mr. Pope. Pope wanted to attack the Union. He had a whole battle planed out until..... Jackson decides to march and attack for 6 days. Things weren't so well with the North. Then the Confederates won their victory! -
Battle of Antietam
After Maryland was invaded, Robert E. Lee decided to make a plan for his campaign in the North. McClellan soon heard about the plan and had a chance to attack them. On September 17, 1862, at Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland, McClellan, a Union leader, attacked at Lee's army. This very day is remembered as the bloodiest day in all of history. McClellan soon gained victory after the many soliders who died. This Battle lead to the Emacipation Proclamation, because of McClellan's pride. -
Battle of Fredricksburg
This battle lasted from Dec. 13-15 in 1862 on the streets of Fredricksburg, Virginia. The South still had the leader of Robert E. Lee and the North had Burnside. Burnside had a plan, he wanted 60,000 men to destroy Lee's army to pieces. Through all the dead, The Confederate stops final Union advance in 1862. They had fought a good battle for the South. Many died for the Union. The Confederate finally have their win. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln made his speech on January 1, 1863. He decided to freed all slaves in Confederate territory. It impacted many people, which was what he was planning to do. In the North, the Civil War no longer a limited war, in which they wanted to preserve the Union. The slaves wanted liberty, they wanted to be free in the Southern states. But the Constitution did not give the president power to free slaves. So still Lincoln was at war with liberation. -
Battle of Chancellorsville
This was the 2nd bloodiest battle, which was on May 2-4 1863. The South leader was Lee, and the North leader was Hooker. In Chancellorsville, Virginia Lee and Mead, Hooker's replacement, were head on waiting for the battle to be over. Hooker outnumbered Lee, it was 2:1. But Jackson still had trouble fighting Lee. So during the fight Jackson fell to the ground with a clash, he had been hit, very hard. Just as he took his last breath, the Confederates won the battle. -
Battle of Gettysburg
In July 1-3, 1863, in the state of southern Pennsylvania, The Battle of Gettysburg began a clash between Lee, south general, and Meade, the north general.It all started when Lee when he ran into Union troops. Both sides called for reinforcements, and that's how the battle came to be. They fought for 3 days, head on, On July 3, Lee ordered General Pickett to attack the Union on their middle line. Bad plan,The Union fired heavy at Pickett.Pickett and Lee retreated leaving the Union with victory. -
Siege of Vicksburg
In Mississppi ( Miss. River), July 4th, 1863, Vickburg is the last magor Confederate stronghold on the river, and General Ulysses Grant calls it. On the Confederate side is Permperton, Grant started his attack on May 1863, and he decides to surround the city so that no supplies or food come in. The Confederates ran out of food, just what Grant wanted. They couldn't take it anymore and so they surrender to the Union. Grant was a hero, especially for Lincoln. -
Siege of Atlanta
In July 16- September 2, 1865, General Grant, Union army, and General Lee, Confederate army, were in Atlanta, Georgia, ready to fight. Grant had a brillant plan to defeat the Confederacy once and for all. He would fight Lee's army in Virginia, while Sherman went into south Atlanta in Sept. 1864. Sherman won in Atlanta. Sherman's success was a grand triumph for the Union. Through all Grant went into Richmond and made Lee surrender. The Union had won twice in a row! -
Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
On April 9, 1865, Lee and Grant wanted to arrange surrender at the Appomattox Courthouse in a Virginia town. Before this meeting Lee wanted to contine fighting but Grant was right behind his heels. Lee wanted to surrender. During the arranging grant offered a deal, to surrender. He said the Confederates could return home happy. He would grant them food to give the soldiers. Grant felt bad for Lee, giving Lee the better side. -
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
On April 15, 1865, Lincoln just wants to relax lately and so he decides to see a play with his wife at the Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. During this very play John Wilke's Booth, a Confederate, decides he wants to shoot him in the back of the head, and he succeeds. Booth runs through the door, not wanting to get in trouble. The bullet lay in Lincoln's head as he died. Today, his murder is remembered and has caused very great grief for the nation. -
The Ratification of the 13th Amendment
On December 6,1865, the ratification of the 13th amendment took place. The amendment officiantly ended slavery. It all started 8 months after the war, it showed that the nation was struggling against slavery. When Lincoln had victory at the Emancipation Proclamation, the nation started to move closer to ratification. The House passed it in Jan. 1865 and the states ratified it. Once the states ratified it, slavery was never to exist in the United States again.