Civil War and Reconstrution by Eddy wells

  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    This is known as the single bloodiest day of the war. This battle had over 20,000 casualties. But this battle is basically considered a Northern victory because the southern army had to retreat back to the South.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Robert E Lee was the commander for the army of Northern virginia. And general Meade was the commander of the Potomac but he was only put in command a few days before the battle. This was the second and last attempt by the South do invade the North. Also this is the bloodiest battle of the whole war with over 50,000 casualties.
  • Proclamation of Amnesty

    Proclamation of Amnesty
    This was Known as the Lincoln's 10% Plan.This was supposed to replace majority rule with "loyal rule" in the South. Lincoln never consulted Congress regarding his Reconstruction process. This process was supposed to be a Pardon to all but the highest ranking military and civilian confederate officers. When !0% of the voting population in the 1860 election had taken an oath of loyalty and established a government, it would be recognized.
  • Surrender at Appomattox

    Surrender at Appomattox
    General lee realized he had no choice but to surrender to General Grant. They met in the McLean home to make it official. Grant was very generous with the surrender terms, no prisoners taken, the men could keep their personal hours and others belongings etc.
  • Johnson's Impeachment

    Johnson's Impeachment
    Johnson replaced generals who were more sympathetic to Radical Reconstruction. The House impeached him him before drawing up the charges by a vote of 126-47! the Trial lasted 11 weeks and acquitted 35-19 which mean he was saved by one vote.
  • 15th Amendment is Ratified

    15th Amendment is Ratified
    The 15th Amendment stopped any government within the U.S. from denying voting rights to a citizen based on race, color, or conditions of your servitude. This amendment targeted the South the most because they were constantly trying to prevent Black from voting. This Amendment also cause a lot of uproar from women's rights groups because they weren't included in the right ti vote. Basically this amendment said "All men over the age of 18 can vote."