Dred Scott Case
Dred Scott was a runaway slave who had gone up north to sue for his freedom. Since Wayne believed overruling slavery would be an invasion on southern farmers' rights, he fought against Scott, which made the court case more interesting. (New Georgia Encyclopedia) -
Election of 1860
SInce Lincoln won the election of 1860, the south immediately seceded from the Union. Although Lincoln had won, he still had no support from the Southern states because of his belief to abolish slavery. (New Georgia Encyclopedia) -
Battle of Antietam
At the end of this battle, the Union nor the Confederacy had won, but Robert E. Lee had to take his hurt army back to the south. Even though the Union had driven the Confederate army back to the South only part of the North's army participated in the battle, which showed the North's domination in the war. (Georgia Info) -
The Emancipation Proclamation
This proclamation aided states trying to abolish slavery and freed slaves in anti-slave states. Although slavery was abolished, the slave states were given large amounts of money to aid from the loss of slaves. (Georgia Info) -
13th Amendment
The 13th amendment officially abolished slavery, and slavery is still banned. Because Governor James Johnson accepted the 13th amendment, it led to the end of slavery. (Georgia Info) -
Period: to
A sharecropper is given land including seeds tools, etc, to make little money, and usually go into debt. But, because Eli Whitney had invented the cotton gin, it made sharecroppers more money quicker, which allowed them to by their own land. (Georgia Info)