Civil War

  • Wilmot proviso 9

    Wilmot proviso  9
    The Wilmot Proviso was designed to eliminate slavery within the land acquired as a result of the Mexican War. Fearing the addition of a pro-slave territory, Pennsylvania Congressman David Wilmot proposed his amendment to the bill. Although the measure was blocked in the southern-dominated Senate, it enflamed the growing controversy over slavery. Led to creation to the Free-Soil Party
  • Compromise of 1850 8

    Compromise of 1850   8
    Henry Clay made a series of 5 laws were passed, the first law Fugitive Slave Law was amendment said that any escaped slaves if captured must be returned to their masters. It also made California a free state. Creating Utah and New Mexico territories with the question of slavery in each to be determined by popular sovereignty, settling a Texas-New Mexico boundary dispute and ending the slave trade in Washington, D.C. This prolonged the war by 10 years
  • Fugitive Slave Act 3

    Fugitive Slave Act   3
    The Fugitive Slave Acts were laws that allowed capture and return of runaway slaves. The Fugitive Slave Act allowed local governments to seize and return escaped slaves to their owners and had penalties on anyone who aided them and fugitives had no right in trial by jury. This affected the Civil War because the North saw the treatment of the slaves and continued to help them, even if they could get in trouble.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin 7

    Uncle Tom's Cabin   7
    Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a novel which showed the reality of slavery. The novel features Uncle Tom, an African-American slave whose long-suffering story touched millions. It was the second best-selling overall book of the 19th century. This affected the Civil War because it showed the Northerners the truth about slavery and how badly they are treated while it angered the South and they banned the selling of the book. Abraham Lincoln referred to her as the ‘little lady who started the war.’
  • Bleeding Kansas 1

    Bleeding Kansas  1
    Kansas decided popular sovereignty would decide whether it would become a slave or free state. Tons of people from different sides poured in and Violence soon erupted as both factions fought for control. During this time hate for either side rose and it was said that the first shots of the civil war happened during this time, in the end though it became a free state which made pro-slavery states and people really angry.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act 6

    Kansas-Nebraska Act  6
    The Kansas-Nebraska Act was an 1854 bill that used popular sovereignty, allowing settlers of a territory to decide whether slavery would be allowed in a new state. Proposed by Stephen A. Douglas, the bill overturned the Missouri Compromise latitude. The conflicts that arose between proslavery and antislavery settlers in the aftermath of the act’s passage led to the period of violence known as Bleeding Kansas, and helped paved the way for the American Civil War.
  • Dred Scott Case 2

    Dred Scott Case   2
    One of the most controversial events preceding the Civil War. Dred Scott was a a slave who had lived with his owner in a free state before returning to the slave state of Missouri. Scott argued that time spent in a free state entitled him to emancipation. The effect on the civil war is that the court decided that no blacks could claim U.S. citizenship, and therefore unable to petition the court freedom. Decision outraged abolitionists and heightened North-South tensions. South liked this.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates 10

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates   10
    Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln during the 1858 Illinois state election campaign is widely regarded as the most significant statements in American political history. The issues they discussed were of importance to the sectional conflict over slavery and states’ rights. Lincoln lost but during a debate he discussed about slavery and said to stop it. He became a household name for everybody. This impacted the Civil War because once Lincoln ran for President people trusted him and knew him.
  • Harpers Ferry 4

    Harpers Ferry    4
    Abolitionist John Brown leads a small group on a raid against a armory in Harpers Ferry, Virginia in an attempt to start a revolt and destroy the institution of slavery. Word of the raid spread, and by morning Brown and his men were surrounded. Brown was found guilty and went to the gallows. His final words were there were no peaceful ways, only blood. This impacted the Civil War because although the raid failed, it inflamed tensions and raised the stakes for the 1860 presidential election.
  • Election of 1860 5

    Election of 1860   5
    The election of 1860 was one of the most pivotal presidential elections in American history. It pitted Republican nominee Abraham Lincoln against 4 other competitors. Lincoln won and became the 16th President of the United States. South Carolina succeed. This impacted the Civil War because Lincoln disliked slavery and the main issue of the Civil War was about slavery. The president ended up helping the Northerners and if he was not President the battles would not have been the same.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Fort Sumter is an island fortification located in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. U.S. Major Robert Anderson occupied the unfinished fort and Lincoln said he was going to resupply the fort and that is when the southerners attacked the fort Fort Sumter is most famous for being the site of the first shots of the Civil War. After a 34-hour exchange of artillery fire, Anderson and 86 soldiers surrendered the fort on April 13. War has begun and there is no turning back.