Fort Sumter
Confederates fire on and capture Union held in Fort Sumter in South Carolina, starting the civil war -
Period: to
Civil War
First Battle of Bull Run
Lincoln orders an invasion of Virginia, confederates are successful and shame the Union -
Battle of Antietam
Bloodiest single day of war. Union win. -
Emancipation Proclamation
All persons held as slaves are free -
Formation of the 54th Mass.
The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment was one of the first official black units in the U.S. armed forces. -
Battle of Gettysburg
Turning point. Union victory, kills more than 50,000 soldiers from both sides. -
Defeat of Vicksburg
Gave the Union the Mississippi, which fulfilled the Anaconda plan. -
New York City Draft Riots
violent disturbances in Lower Manhattan, caused by the forced drafting -
Gettysburg Adress
Lincoln's famous speech that shifted the focus of the war -
Sherman's March To The Sea
General Sherman leads union troop through the south and destroys anything in his path. -
Congress Passes the 13th Amendment
Abolishes slavery in the United States -
Creation of Freedman's Bureau
U.S. federal government agency established in 1865 to aid freedmen -
Surrender at Appomattox Courthuse
one of the last battles of the American Civil War -
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Shot in the head by John Wilkes Booth while watching a play. -
14th Ammendment
All people born in the US are citizens and have the same rights -
15th Ammendment
Citizens can't be stopped from voting on account of race or color -
End of reconstruction
Hayes withdraws last federal troops from the South. Ends Republican's fight for racial equality. -
Plessy vs Ferguson
law case where US Supreme Court said segregation was "separate but equal".