the comprise of 1850
the comprise of 1850 was a set of laws passed dealing with the issue of slavery -
Fort sumter
On April 12 1861 in south Carolina was when the confederate force opened fire on the union holding them with no control. Of course the union tried to fight back but it was just to much to handle .One major effect of the battle was that it marked the beginning of the American Civil War. The fort had been the source of tension between the Union and Confederacy for several months. an as soon as u knew it on april 13th 2:30pm the union surrendered and the confederate won -
Period: to
The battle of gettysburg
the battle of gettysburg lasted for 3 days theses days were july 1-july 3 1863 those days were considered the most engagement of the war and the bloodiest 3 day battle the confederates were wounded and suffering and most of them were dead they had no choice but to surrender and give the victory to the union.because so many people died it put an impact of others such as family and friends