Fort Sumter
Confederates fire on and capture Fort Sumter, the union previously held, in Virginia, starts the Civil War -
FIRST Battle of Bull Run
First major conflict of the Civil War, by a small creek, Confederates hold their own and are successful, Union retreats and is forced to take the Confederates seriously -
Battle of Antietam
Bloodiest day in American history, 23,000 deaths/wounded, -
Emancipation Proclamation
Document that freed Union slaves besides the slaves in the border states, helped weaken the South in the war -
Formation of the 54th Massachusetts
Most famous of all black regiments in the Union's army -
Battle of Gettysburg
Lee crossing into Pennsylvania for shoe supply, Union and Confederates fight for 3 days; Union wins, Confederates have no hope of help from Europe and are pushed back into the Southern territory -
Sherman's March to the Sea
A path of destruction in the South 60 miles wide, for 300 miles, when Sherman's soldiers pillaged and terrorised the South's society -
Congress Passes the 13th Amendment
A new amendment to the Constitution, outlaws slavery in the Union -
Creation of Freedman’s Bureau
Creation of a government organisation that tried to help former slaves by re-uniting split slave families and helping educate many black Americans -
Surrender at Appotmatox Courthouse
Lee & Grant meet in a small Virginia town called Appomattox Courthouse, and Lee surrenders to Grant; the Union's victory in the Civil War -
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
In Ford's Theater in Washington D.C., Lincoln is shot in the back of the head by John Wilkes Booth and dies, while other men attempt to assassinate the secretary of state and the vice president -
Paasing of the 14th Amendment
The ratification of the amendment that allowed full citizenship rights to people born in the U.S., including recently freed black slaves, and placed limitations on states that tried to prohibit black Americans from voting -
Passing of the 15th Amendment
Ratification of the amendment that allowed citizens voting rights regardless of race or color -
End of Reconstruction
Newly elected Rutherford B. Hayes withdrew the last federal troops from the South, ended Reconstruction and the Republican's fight for racial equality -
Supreme Court Case Plessy vs. Ferguson
Segregation of the Jim Crow Laws is challenged, court ruled that segregation still meant that people were separate but equal, gave emergence to the Ku Klux Klan