Civil war

  • The compromise of 1850 including the fugitive slave act

    The compromise of 1850 including the fugitive slave act
    So in the compromise act it required that slaves must be returned to their owners, even if they were currently living in a free state in which they can’t own slaves. This caused the nation to further away from not having slaves so the people got mad.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    In Kansas there was an outbreak in which guerrilla warfare was used between pro slavery and anti slavery force which cause people to fight each other and killed people. It approximately killed 55 people in Kansas and it joined as a free state. There were more people voting than in the population so it was rigged.
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    Kansas Nebraska act
    The whole purpose of the Kansas- Nebraska act was that it created two new territories that repealed the Missouri compromise. The reason it leaded to the civil war was because one was a slave state and the other was a free state because of the south and north. Also popular sovereignty was basically to decide to let people vote if a state is free or slave state.
  • Preston Brooks vs Charles Sumner 1856

    Preston Brooks vs Charles Sumner 1856
    This event was when Preston brooks a pro slave democrat at Carolina used a cane to attack senator charles sumner an abolitionist republican from Massachusetts. This caused people to worry about the passion over the institution of slavery. Sumner was also delayed after this incident and Preston didn’t go to jail or even have any consequences.
  • Dred Scott b. Stanford

    Dred Scott b. Stanford
    In this event the U.S Supreme Court stated that enslaved people didn’t count as American citizens so they couldn’t expect any protection from the federal government or the courts. This made northern states shocked and furious but on the other hand the southern states were happy.
  • Lincoln-Douglas debates

    Lincoln-Douglas debates
    This was a battle between Lincoln and Douglas in which they both took on seven debates in one state which was Illinois and they mostly campaigned over the concerning issues of slavery in territories. Which got northerners mad that Abraham Lincoln lost because they knew abolishing slavery isn’t coming soon.
  • John browns raid on Harper’s ferry

    John browns raid on Harper’s ferry
    John browns raiders and his civilian fought with Harper’s team and 8 of browns men were killed. This made the 1860 presidential election more at stake.
  • Election of Abraham Lincoln

    Election of Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln didn’t win on the day he won presidency because it took a couple months for him to be president. When Abraham Lincoln became president the southerners were furious in which seven states would end up leaving the union. There was 4 people trying to run for president Abraham Lincoln, John Breckenridge, John bell and Stephen Douglas.