Ft Sumter
The seven southernmost states that had already seceded formed the Confederate States of America on February 4, 1861. By the time of Abraham Lincoln's Inauguration on March 4, only two Southern forts remained in Union hands -
Medicine during the civil war
Soon after Fort Sumter fell, the federal government set up the United states sanitary Commission. Its task was twofold to improve the hygienic conditions of army camps and to recruit nurse. At the age of 60, Dorothea Dix became the nation's first superintendent of woman nurse. To discourage women looking for romance, Dix insisted applicants be at least 30 and "Very plain-looking". -
Secession of Virginia
News of Fort Sumter's fall united the North. When Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to serve for three months -
Battle At Bull Run
First major bloodshed occurred on July 21, about three months after Fort Sumter fell. The battle was a seesaw affair. An army of 30,000 inexperienced Union soldiers on its way towards the Confederate capital at Richmond, only 100 miles from Washington, D.C, came upon an equally inexperienced Confederate army encamped near the little creek of Bull Run, Just 25 miles from the Union capital. -
Advantages and Disadvantages, Military strategies of each side
Northerners and Confederates alike expected a short, glorious war. Soldiers left for the front with bands playing and crowds cheering. Both sides felt that right was on their side -
Battle At Shiloh
Month after the victories at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, in the late March of 1862, Grant gathered his troops near a small Tennessee church named Shiloh, which was close to the Mississippi Border. The Battle at Shiloh taught both sides a strategic lesson. Shiloh also demonstrated how bloody the war might become, as nearly one-fourth of the battles 100,000 troops were killed, wounded, or captured. -
Battle at Richmond
After dawdling all winter, McClellan finally got under way in the spring of 1862. He transported the Army of the Potomac slowly towards the Confederate capital. After a series of battles, Johnston was wounded, and command of the army passed to Robert E. Lee -
Battle At Antietam
The clash proved to be the bloodiest single day battle in American history. Casualties totaled more than 26,000 as many as on the War of 1812 and the war with Mexico combined. On November 7, 1862, Lincoln characterized as having "the slows".However, the president would soon face a diplomatic conflict with Britain and increase pressure from Abolitionists. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Number of economic factors made Britain no longer dependent on Southern cotton. Not only had Britain accumulated a huge cotton inventory just before the outbreak of war. Northern wheat an corn as an essential import. Britain decided that neutrality was the best policy-- At least for a while -
Battle At Gettyburg
The July 3 Infantry charge was the part of the three-day battle at Gettysburg, which many historians consider the turning point of the Civil War. The Battle of Gettysburg crippled the Souths so badly that General Lee Would never again possess sufficient force to Invaded an Northern States. This year 1863 actually had gone well for the South. During the first four days of may, the south defeated the North at Chancellorsville, Virginia. -
Gettysburg Address
In November 1863, a ceremony was held to dedicate a cemetery in Gettysburg. The first speaker was Edward, a noted orator, who gave a flowery two-hour oration.Abraham Lincoln spoke for a little more than two minutes. According to the historian Garry Wills, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. -
Surrender at Appomattox
By late March 1865, it was clear that the end of the Confederacy was near. Grant and Sheridan were approaching Richmond from the west, while Sherman was approaching from the south. On April 2 in the response at Peters burg president Davis and his government abandoned their capital, setting it afire to keep the Northerners from taking it. -
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
What plans Lincoln had to reunify the nation after the war, he never got to implement them. On April 14, 1865, five days after Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House, Lincoln and his wife went to Fords Theater in Washington. The assassin, John Wilkes Both a 26 year old actor and Southern sympathizer-then leaped down to the stage.