Civil war

By Dee68
  • beginning of civil war

    Confederates that is under Gen. Pierre Beauregard fired 50 cannons at Fort Sumter in Charleston, and spark the civil war
  • first engagement

    First engagement between American and the confederate forces. The Battle of Fort Sumter starts of with the bombardment of Fort Sumter and ended with the Union's lost.
  • defeat

    U.S. grant defeats Gideon pillow at the Battle of Port Royal which means the Union won this battle. The day after Battle of Ivy Mountain happens and results in another win for the Union.
  • battle of hampton roads

    It's the first engagement or ironclads in history located near Hampton Roads, Virginia. The Battle of Hampton Road is the most famous naval battle of the Civil War. Casualties of the Union is 500 and Confederate is 100.
  • Army of virginia

    General John Pope took command of all the union forces in Virginia. It is also called the Potomac. The Army of Northern Virginia was the most successful of any Confederate army during the American Civil War.
  • second battle of bull run

    This battle is bigger than the fist battle of bull run. The Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. Army of Virginia was led by General Robert E. Lee, defeated the Union's Major General John Pope and his Army of Virginia.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation is meant to free all held slaves in the rebellious states. This is also the third year of the civil war.
  • Battle of new market

    the battle was over control of the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. The battle was part of the Union Army Valley Campaigns of 1864. and they was apart of the union army valley campaign.
  • Battle of gettyburg

    The ten roads led the battle into Gettysburg. That is the main reason why the battle was fought there. Confederates were confident they would win the battle because Robert E. Lee had just led his army to victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville in May.
  • Battle of helena

    "Retreating Joe" Johnston, as he is now called in the Richmond papers. withdraws to his previously prepared Chattahoochee Line Georgia. The Battle of Helena was also fought on this date also.
  • surrendered of General Robert E. Lee

    The town of Appomattox Court House, Virginia, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his Army of Northern Virginia to Union General Ulysses S. Grant. They were suppose to retreat and regroup with the confederate reinforcements and continues fighting. His plan didn't go as planned.
  • The last Confederate combat

    Shenandoah is the last Confederate combat unit to surrender after circumnavigating the globe. While on its cruise that sank or captured 37 vessels.