Civil War

  • Lincoln Elected

    Who: Abraham Lincoln and the other delegates including John Breckinridge, John Bell, and Stephan Douglass were running for president in the election of 1860.
    What: Lincoln lost the popular vote by over 60% but won the electoral college.
    Where: The northern states were the one who voted for Lincoln winning him the election.
    When: November 6 1860
    Result of event: Most of the United States was upset that Abraham became president.
    (Abraham Lincoln Elected President).
  • South Carolina Secedes

    What: South Carolina was the first to secede from the Union of the states. 169 delegates met to discuss leaving the Union. All but 16 of the delagetes owned slaves and through an unanimous vote, the choice was made to secede. Many Charelstonians celebrated at the news.
    Where: The South Carolina Institute hall in Charleston
    Result of event: South Carolina left the Union and pushed along the Civil war.
    (Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Park).
  • Confederation Formed

    Who: Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana.

    What: Many of the states seceded from the union and met together. They decided to band together to form the Confederate States of America.
    Where: Montgomery, Alabama
    When: February 4 1861
    Result of event: Soon after 4 more states joined the Confederacy and the two sides of America became established for the war.
    (States Meet to Form Confederacy).
  • Civil War Begins

    Who: Confederate troops decided to start off the Civil War against the Union and newly inaugurated President Abraham Lincoln.
    What: The first shots that began the war were fired at Fort Sumter. When Lincoln became president there were already rumors of an attack. He attempted to reinforce the Fort with food but it ended up falling to the confederates.
    Where: Charleston Harbor, South Carolina
    Result of event: The Civil War officially begins
    (Civil War Begins).
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    Who: Union commander Irvin McDowell and Confederate commander P.G.T Beauregard fought in the Battle of Bull Run.
    What: Union army stopped by the confederates on their way to Richmond, the Battle of Bull Run is one of the first official battles of the civil war. They fought through the hills with about 4,500-5,000 casualties.
    Where: Manassas, VA
    When: July 21 1861
    Outcome: The Union armies end up retreating and fleeing from the battle allowing a Confederate win.
    (Bull Run).
  • Nava Battle Monitor

    Who: The Swedish engineer John Ericsson, the U.S Navy's first ironclad USS Monitor.
    What: This battle was one of the most famous naval battles in American history which was between the U.S.S Monitor and the C.S.S Virginia.

    When: March 9, 1862
    Where: Virginia, a harbour at the mouth of the James river.
    Outcome: Union won
    (U.S.S. Monitor Battles C.S.S. Virginia).
  • Nava Battle of Merrimack

    Who: The C.S.S was also designed by engineer John Ericsson.
    What: C.S.S Virginia was originally the U.S.S Merrimack, a 40-gun frigate launched in 1855.
    When: March 9, 1862
    Where: Hampton Roads, Virginia
    Outcome: Union won
    (Battle of the Ironclads).
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Who: Union leader Ulysses S. Grant and Confederate commander Albert Sidney Johnston fought at the Battle of Shiloh.
    What: Confederates ambush the union camps and catch the army off guard. Unknowingly, however, union reinforcements come to help and the union now outnumber the other army.
    Where: Shiloh, TN
    When: April 6-7 1862
    Outcome: It was a Union win, but the deaths were many.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Who: Union Commander John Pope and Confederate leader Robert E. Lee fought in the Second Battle of Bull Run.
    What: After the first victory confederates decided to engage in another bloody battle with the union. They fight along railroad tracks and the union attempts to chase after the confederates, but fail.
    Where: Gainesville, VA
    When: Aug 28-30 1862
    Outcome: The Union armies retreated and the outcome was a confederate victory.
    (Second Manassas).
  • Battle of Antietam

    Who: Abraham Lincoln, General George McClellan (Union), and General Robert E. Lee (Confederate)
    What: The Battle of Antietam was the deadliest one day battle in American history. It proved that the Union could fight against the Confederate army.
    Where: Washington county, Maryland
    When: September 16-18, 1862
    Outcome: The victory was claimed by the Union. This victory allowed Lincoln to release his Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Who: Abraham Lincoln
    What: It was a proclamation that stated that all slaves in the confederacy would be free, and black men were allowed into the army and were able to fight for their freedom. Slaves in the border states however were not under this proclamation.
    Result of event: This morally boosted the Union and the slaves and strengthened the armies. Because of this, around 200,000 black men had joined to help fight for the war.
    (Emancipation Proclamation).
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Who: Lieutenant General John C. Pemberton’s (Confederate) surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant. Just the Day before, The battle of Gettysburg was won and this sparked joy and hope in the Union.
    What: The placement of Vicksburg on the Mississippi River was crucial to both the Union and the confederacy because it would allow full control of the Mississippi.

    When: May 18- July 4, 1863
    Where: Warren county, Michigan
    Outcome: Union won
  • Gettysburg

    Who: Confederate general Robert E. Lee’s second quest to invade the North and bring the Civil War to a quick end was shut down at the battle of Gettysburg.
    What: The battle of Gettysburg was the turning point in the Civil War. Casualties were estimated to be more than 50,000 from the three day battle.
    When: July 1-3, 1863
    Where: Adams County, PA
    Outcome: Union won
  • Lincoln Re-elected

    Who: Lincoln’s re-election was very important. The democrats nominated George B. McClellan was the former commander of the Union army of the Potomac.
    What: Lincoln won 212 electoral votes and McClellan had 21.
    When: 1864 election
    Where: On Election Day Lincoln had every state but Kentucky, New Jersey, and Delaware.
    Outcome: Lincoln won the election
    (Abraham Lincoln Re-elected).
  • Period: to

    Reconstruction of the South

    Who: The United States joining back with the Confederacy and the new freed black citizens.
    What: The union slowly welcomed back the states from the Confederacy and helped fun and rebuild the south. This event also helped freed citizens gain more rights and settle into society as citizens.
    Where: Border States and Southern States.
    Outcome: The United States today now has citizens of all colors and our country has the entire bottom half of the US still with us.
  • Robert E. Lee Surrenders

    Who: General Robert E. Lee
    What: On April 6 about a quarter of the Lee's army surrendered after they were separated from the main army and were surrounded by the Union.
    When: April 9, 1865
    Where: General Robert E. Lee surrendered in Northern Virginia.
    Outcome: The surrender of general Robert E. Lee is the symbolic mark of the end of the civil war.
  • Lincoln Assassination

    Who: Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.
    What: 5 days after the end of the civil war Booth had a plan to kill the president. Lincoln was shot in the back of the head while watching a performance.
    When: April 14, 1865
    Where: Ford's theatre in Washington, DC
    Outcome: The nation mourned because of the loss and history was changed.
    (Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination).