Lincoln's Election
In November of 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected into office as the President of the United States. Though he lacked the popular majority, he was voted in by the electoral college. -
Formation of the Confederacy
The Confederacy was formed when 7 states suceeded from the U.S. and formed their own Constitution with plans for an independant nation. -
Attack in Fort Sumter
President Lincoln decided to supply Fort Sumterand let the South fire the first shot at the beginning of the war. -
1st Battle of Bull Run
In Manassas,VIrginia, 30,000 men from the Union fought against 22,000 Confederate troops. The South took victory, forcing the North to flee to Washington, and proving that the war would be long and bloody. -
Ft. Henry and Ft. Donelson
Gen. Ulysses S.Grant of the Union captured two forts on the Tenesse and Cumberland Rivers, forcing the Confederates out of Kentucky and much of Tennessee. -
Peninsular Campaign
From March to July of 1862, General McClellan of the Union led a campaign starting as an attack on Richmond, but then turning into a defensive position. -
New Orleans
David Farrragut of the Unionseized New Orleans from the South after attacking some of their key positions. -
2nd Battle of Bull Run
Stonewall Jackson defeated Union troops at Manassas, and Gen, Pope is replaced by McClellan -
Battle of Antietam
In Antietamm, Maryland, Lee's troops, heavily outnumbered, are forced to retreat back to Virginia. The battle resulted in over 23,000 casualities. -
Emancipation Proclamation
After the win at Antietam, Lincoln announced that al slaves inenemy territory would be free. It shows the world that the Civil War was a stand against slavery. -
In Central Virginia, Gen. Burnside sets outan attack on Lee's fortified position. The Unionn suffers 10,000 casualities to the Confederacy's 5,000. -
Gen. Hooker suffers a defeat from Gen. Lee. Stonewall Jackson is accidently shot and killed by his own men. -
Battle of Vicksburg
After a long siege from Grant, Vicksburg surrendered to the Union. The Union gained control of all of the Mississippi River. -
Battle of Gettysburg
In this bloodiest battle of the Civil War, over 165,000 soldiers battled for 3 days until Lee retreated. 23,000 Union soldiers died and 28,000 Confederates fell. -
Under command of Gen. Grant, the Union pushed Southern troops back in preparation of an assault on Atlanta and the heart of the Confederacy. -
Grant is promoted to Lt. General
Grant is given control of all Union troops in preperation for an assault on Rickmond. The cabinet disagrees but Lincoln supports him. -
Wilderness and Spotslvania
Grant marches through Richmond with his troops, ready for a fight. -
From June 1864 until April 1865, Grant focused on the railroad and communication out of Richmond. -
Sherman's March to the Sea
From September to December of 1864, Grant began by destroying Atlanta. He led troops on a march until Savannah, tearing apart everythin on the way. -
Lee's Surrender
In Appomattox Court House, Virginia, Lee sumbits his surrender, refusing to lose any more troops. The war is over and Southern troops are given generous terms of surrender.