Battle of Bull Run
Cause: The Union's plan was to capture Richmond, but as they went there, they ran into the CSA at Bull Run.
Description: The Union ran into the Confederates at a stream called Bull Run. They broke up Confederate lines, but the Union troops ended up panicking and running off.
Effect: This battle showed that both the Union and the CSA's troops needed training, and that the war would be long and hard. -
Siege of Fort Sumter
Cause: Lincoln heard that food supplies at Fort Sumter were low, so he told the South Caroline governor he was going to ship food to them. The CSA demanded that FS surrender.
Description: The commander said no until the ran out of food or was forced to surrender by the government. The CSA attacked, and the Union ran out of ammunition.
Effect: The fort was surrendered. -
Battle of Antietem
Cause: General Lee decided to take an offensive role because the thought that a victory in the South would stunt the North's confidence.
Description: Lee's battle plans were found by the North and were given to General McClellan. The battle was 1 day long and over 23,000 soldiers were killed in battle.
Effect: Lee retreated to Virginia. Later, Lincoln would use this battle to justify the Emancipation Proclamation. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Cause: Lincoln had three reasons to free the slaves: more than 3 million CSA slaved labored for the war, Lincoln thought slavery was wrong, and they needed more troops, resources etc.
Description: The EP was to free slaves. Lincoln didn't want to anger border states, so he decided to free only some states. He didn't free border states.
Effect: No slaves were actually freed, but the EP changed the purpose of the war to also abolishing slavery. -
Battle of Gettysburg
Cause: The South realized they couldn't afford to keep playing a defensive role and decided to be more offensive.
Description: TBOG left many dead. The Confederates tried to attack the Union's edges, but it didn't work out. Lee ordered an attack on the enemy’s center. The assault, known as “Pickett’s Charge,” almost worked, but didn't. The Union won the battle.
Effect: It pretty much ended the war. It left 50,000 troops dead or wounded. Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address. Grant waged total war. -
General Sherman's March to the Sea
Cause: Grant ordered General William Sherman to capture Atlanta and then go to the Atlantic coast.
Description: Sherman's troops captured Atlanta and then began marching to the sea. They ripped up railroads and twisted them by making them hot first. They ruined everything in sight.
Effect: There was nothing left for Southerners or Lee and his troops. -
Lee's Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
Cause: Lee couldn't keep replacing his troops and he was slowly running out of resources; he had to surrender. He had also been under siege for nine months.
Description: Lee went to a small Virginian town called Appomattox Courthouse and was trapped by Union troops.
Effect: The war ended, the soldiers turned over some of their weapons, and the terms of surrender were generous.