Lincoln`s Election
Abraham Lincoln emerged on the national stage as a Republican senator from Illinois. Lincoln was the first Republican president and the first president of a party that opposes slavery. -
Southern States Secession
After South Carolina secedes from the Union, other Southern states followed and the Confederate States of America was formed -
Battle of Big Bethel
The Battle of Big Bethel was the first major battle of the Civil War in Virginia. -
The Battle of Bull Run
The Union Army was victorious over the Confederate Army after the Union drove the Confederates back and caused them to lose access to major waterways -
The Battle of Wilson`s Creek
The Union Army suffers a loss at the hands of the Confederates. The victory emphasizes the strong Confederate and Democratic presence west of the Mississippi River. -
The Gettysburg Campaign
The Confederate Army continues to pass through York and cross the bring that will lead them to the Susquehanna River however the Union Army burned the bridge. There is then a skimish between the two armies near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. -
The Battle of Gettysburg
The bloodiest and most brutal battle of the Civil War. General Lee was hoping for an effective and successful invasion of the North however, this battle proved him wrong. -
Surrender of Vicksburg
Vicksburg, Mississippi surrendered to General Grants army. This was a major victory for the Union as it cut off a major supply line for Confederate states and gave the Union total control over the Mississippi River. -
Battle of Spotsylvania Court house
General Lee launches a successful operation to prevent Grant and his troops from reaching Richmond, Virginia. -
Lincoln`s Second Nomination
President Lincoln is nominated by his party (the Republican Party) for a second presidential term -
Lincolns re-election
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president in re-elected to a second term in office. He will continue to fight for the end of slavery in American throughout his second term until he is murdered -
Attack on Fort Stedman
Famously known as Lee`s last offense, Confederate troops led by General Gordon briefly take control of a Union fort but the Union wins it back and the lines of control are back to how they were prior to the capture -
The Battle of Five Forks
The Confederate Army suffers a defeat at Five Forks and causes General Lee to abandon the Petersburg-Richmond siege lines -
The Fall of Petersburg and Richmond
General Lee of the Confederate Army abandons these strong holds and hopes to move his troops to North Carolina and join forced with General Johnston -
Union Troops Occupy Richmond and Petersburg
After General Lee decided to abandon these two major Confederate cities, Union soldiers took over -
Battle of Appomattox Court House and Surrender
After Lee attempted to break through Union forces occupying the way to Virginia, Lee meets with Grant to discuss terms and later that day, Lee surrenders to Grant -
President Lincoln's Assassination
President Lincoln was assassinated while watching a play at Fords Theater by John Wilkes Booth. The same day, South Carolina is taken over by Union troops. -
General Johnston Surrenders
General Johnston of the Confederate Army surrenders the army in Tennessee -
General Taylor Surrenders
General Taylor of the Confederate Army surrenders Alabama, Mississippi and East Louisiana. This was a major victory for the Union as all of these territories were heavily Confederate -
Confederate President in Captured
Confederate President Jefferson Davis is captured in Georgia as his generals have all began surrendering -
Final Battle of Civil War
The final battle happens at Palmito Ranch, Texas a results in a Confederate victory -
End of Civil War
General Buckner surrenders the Army of the Trans-Mississippi. This marks the official end to the Civil War