civil war

By jacherd
  • battle of antietam

    battle of antietam
    it was fought on september 17, 1862 between the union and the confederate . neither side was a winner but the northclaimed the victory as lee's army retreated
  • emancipation proclamation signed

    emancipation proclamation signed
    it was an order given on january 1, 1863 to free all slavery. lincoln felt like he needed a major victory in order to have the full support behind the emancipation
  • battle of vicksburg

    battle of vicksburg
    the seige of vicksburg was a major victory for the union during the civil war the union army surrounded the city of vicksburge, mississippi and enentually took controle
  • the battle of gettysburg

    the battle of gettysburg
    considered the most important engagement of the American Civil War. After a great victory over Union forces at Chancellorsville, General Robert E. Lee marched his Army of Northern Virginia into Pennsylvania in late June 1863.
  • Sherman's march (to the sea)

    Sherman's march (to the sea)
    General sherman lead 100,000 men to southern city's in atlanta.He had more troops than general john hood and finnaly took control sep 2 1864 .He marched to savannah to take control of the sea port
  • Surrender at appomattox courthouse

    Surrender at appomattox courthouse
    General Robert E.Lee surrenderd to union General ulysses s. grant at appomattox.The union army began marching in early 1865 pushing back confederate troops in hopes of uniting with more confederate troops in n.c
  • Assassination of lincoln

    Assassination of lincoln
    Lincoln was shot on april 14 1865 by john wilkes booth at a play in the ford theatre. He was carried to a boarding house across the street but the doctors couldnt help and he died april 15 1865