

  • Abraham Lincoln Becomes President

    Abraham Lincoln Becomes President
    When Lincoln became president people in south didn't like him because they heard that he might try to end slavery and put a tariff on trade so the south which owned lots of slaves decided to leave the Union and left on january 19 1861 but that did not stop lincoln which made him say that they are stronger together as a country but the confederates wanted slave but the Union did not which led to the Civil War.
  • Battle Of Fort Sumter

     Battle Of Fort Sumter
    Union captured confederates fort to pus back the confederates because the union had more people and machinery.
    Confederates lost tons of men and very needed supplies that the confederates needed to defend from the Union
  • Slavery leads to Civil War

    Slavery leads to Civil War
    The reason the civil war started was because of many things mainly on slavery because the Union believed that Africans Americans are also people and they deserve right and also freedom.
  • Sherman's March To Sea

    Sherman's March To Sea
    Sherman's March To Sea was done to make Georgia get them scared of the union and to scare them off.
    On the Sherman's March To Sea he burned down important things to Georgians But the they did not respond to well to them.
  • Freedmen's Bureau

    Freedmen's Bureau
    The freedman's bureau was founded in 1865 to help all the freed africans and poor white people by taking 80,000 acres of land and giving it to them but only a little and they also build and founded 3,000 schools in the USA but they failed to do and went bankrupt which stopped them but they accomplished only a little bit but it did help a little bit.
  • 13Th Amendment

    13Th Amendment
    President Abraham Lincoln passed down the 13 amendment which said that slavery is no longer prohibited in these here United States of America which is why there is no longer slavery in this day.