Lincoln's Election
Abraham Lincoln is elected in the 1860 election -
Southern states secede and the Confederacy is formed -
Fort Sumner
First shots fired in the Civil War, no fatlaities, and a Confederate victory -
Anaconda Plan
The Union use the Anconda Plan to blockade southern ports, capture the Mississippi River, and capture Richmond Virginia -
Battle of Bull Run
First battle, Confederate victory, proves the war will not be short or glorious -
Bloodiest single-day battle -
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln issued, siad to free slaves in the rebleing states -
General Grant sieges Vicksburg, lasted till July 4, and a union victory -
Battle of Gettysburg
Turning point of the war -
Gettysburg Address
Licoln made a speech to deticate a place for people who fought in the war -
Sherman's march to sea
From Atlanta to Savannah Sherman destroyed everything in his way, lated until December 21, -
Thriteenth Amendent
Abolished slavery for good -
Surrender at Appomattox
Robert E. Lee surrenderd to Ulysses S. Grant, the war is over -
Lincoln's Assassination
Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth -
Andrew Johnson
After lincol's assassination Andrew Johnson was elected president