Fort Sumter
Confederates fire on and capture the Union held Fort Sumter in South Carolina starting the Civil War. -
Period: to
Civil War
First Battle of Bull Run
Union forces attack by Bull Run and suffer a loss from the Confederates led by Stonewall Jackson. -
Battle of Antietam
McClellan leads Union forces against Confederates as they invade the North led by Lee. Both sides suffer heavy losses, but the Union wins. McClellan does get fired for not chasing down and finishing off Lee's army. -
Emancipation proclamation
Abraham Lincoln claimed the freedom of all slaves in the South in order to demoralize the South. -
Formation of the 54th Mass.
The First All African-American regiment is formed for Union combat in the Civil War. -
Defeat of Vicksburg
Union troops led by General Grant siege the fort of Vicksburg, This resulted in a Southern defeat and the control of the entire Mississippi River. This fullfilled the Andaconda plan and made Grant the Union Army general. -
Defeat of Vicksburg
A Union siege of the fort of Vicksburg results into the surrender of the fort and the Union control of the Mississippi River. This fulfilled the Andaconda Plan. -
Battle of Gettysburg
General Lee tries to cross into Union territory when scouts form both sides spot each other. They have a few skirmishes, but reinforcements come and a full battle is fought. Union troops win and marking a turning point in the war. -
Battle of Gettysbrug
Union and Confederates forces face off around the town of Gettysburg after a group of scouts from the South came to look for shoes. More and more reinforcements came creating a larger conflict. The battle resulted in a Union victory. -
Battle of Gettysburg
A face off between two scout group results into an entire conflict around the town of Gettysburg. This is the bloodiest battle in the Civil War and resulted in a victory for the Union. -
New York City Draft Riots
Citizens of New York protest the Civil War and rampage around the town, so they do not join the war. They attack and kill many African-Americans and are only put down the Union troops. -
Gettysburg Address
Abraham Lincoln visits Gettysburg and reminds the U.S. of why they are fighting, and that the lives lost must not be in vain. -
Sherman's March to the Sea
General Sherman leads his Union troops to the sea from Atlanta and burns and ravages the area around him. -
Congress Passes the 13th Ammendment
Lincoln pushes for Congress to end slavery, and his wish is made into reality. Slavery is banned and made illegal. -
Creation of Freedman's Burea
Saw the transition from slavery to freedom for African-Americans. They helped make sure they got jobs and learned how to read to be able to survive in the real word. -
Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
The Confederacy surrenders and gives up as Generals Lee and Grant agree to make the punishment easy. Everyone must simply return home and join the Union. -
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
John Booth shoots Abraham Lincoln at a play and escapes shortly after. Over the course of a few days he and his affiliates are caught and put on trial and killed. -
14th Ammendment
Congress decided to attempt to create equality throughout the country. All U.S. born people are citizens, and if states prevented blacks from voting they could lose representative in Congress. It also forced Southern states to accept the law. -
15th Ammendment
Congress decides to make it the law to prevent people from preventing people of color from voting in the South. -
End of Reconstruction
President Hayes gets elected and he along with congress give up on ending Southern inequality. The last federal troops are withdrawed and the South is left alone. -
Supreme Court Case Plessy vs Ferguson
One man challenged segregation and took his trial to the supreme court. It was ruled that segregation was perfectly legal and allowed.