Civil War

By EvaRach
  • Fugitive Slave law

    Fugitive Slave law
    Many northerner disagreed on the fugitive slave law, the law was "Runaway slaves would be caught in the North and returned them to the South. People who live in the South wanted slavery, but in the North try to end slavery that why lot of blacks went toward the North.
  • Welcome Republicans

    Welcome Republicans
    Republican party formed, and they opposed slavery. Abraham Lincoln was the first president from the republican party.
  • Kansas and Nebraska Act

    Kansas and Nebraska Act
    It allowed people in territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether they should allow slavery within their border.
  • U.S Supreme court rule

    U.S Supreme court rule
    Since slaves were property, slave owners had the right to take their slaves into free states and territories, they couldn't become free just by being in a free state/territory.
  • Lincoln Election

    Lincoln Election
    It caused seven Southern states to secede from the union to form the confederate states of America. It separated them even more.
  • States that seceded from the U.S

    States that seceded from the U.S
    These are the first 7 states that seceded from the U.S to form the confederate states: South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Texas, Mississippi, Florida, and Louisiana.
  • Civil War Begin

    Civil War Begin
    Abraham Lincoln is sworn in as 16th president of the United States of America on April 12, 1861 - at 4:30am confederate Gen. pierre Beauregard open fire with 50 Cannors upon fort Sumeter in Charleston, South Carolina. The civil war begin
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    The First Battle of Bull Run, also known as the Battle of First Manassas, was fought on July 21 near the city of Manassas. The confederate won this battle.
  • Confederate States

    Confederate States
    Confederate of America was formed on February 4. They were known as the gray rebels.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Lincoln used the occasion of the Union victory at Antietam to issue a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all slaves in the rebellious states.
  • General Ulysses S. Grant (General of the Union army)

    General Ulysses S. Grant (General of the Union army)
    Union forces under Ulysses S. Grant took Vicksburg (Mississippi, a victory that would prove to be the turning point of the war in the western theater.
  • Assassination Of President Lincoln

    Assassination Of President Lincoln
    President Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth as he watched a play at Ford's Theater . He died early the next day.
  • End of the war

    End of the war
    The war ended in Spring, Robert E. Lee surrendered the last major Confederate army to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865.
  • Assassination Of President Lincoln

    Assassination Of President Lincoln
    Lincoln was assassinated by an actor and confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater in Washington D.C.
  • African American rights

    African American rights
    The 14 amendment was passed to gave African American citizenship and said that states had to provide equal protection for all.