Missouri Compromise
Compromise Of 1850
Fugitive Slave Law
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Kansas Nebraska Act
Dred Scott Decision
Lincoln / Douglas Debates
John Brown @ Harper's Ferry
Election of Lincoln
South Carolina Secedes
Battle of Bull Run
Battle of Wilson's Creek, Missouri
Battle of Ball's Bluff
Battle of Pea Ridge
Battle of Shiloh
First Battle of Winchester
Battle of Seven Pines Near Richmond
Chattanooga battle
Mine Run Campaign
Battle of the Wilderness
Battle of Cold Harbor
Battle of Monocacy, Maryland
Battle near Tupelo, Miss.
Battle of Peachtree Creek
Battle of Atlanta
Battle of the Crater at Petersburg, Virginia
Battle of Jonesborough, Georgia
Battle of Cedar Creek, Virginia
Battle of of Appomattox Court House and Surrender
Abraham Lincoln is assassinated