civil war

  • Union Naval Blockade

    Union Naval Blockade
    The Navy of the Union formed a blockade around all the Southern ports with the main objective of preventing Southerners from trading cotton and other resources for supplies for the war.
  • Fort Summer

    Fort Summer
    On this day the Confederate Army captured Fort Summer. This carried lots of weight in the war because it now allowed the South to bypass the Union Navy's blockade.
  • Battle of Bull Run 1

    Battle of Bull Run 1
    This battle is known as the first major battle in the Civil war which the Union were forced to retreat even though they had more numbers they in a sense underestimated the south.
  • Trent Affair

    Trent Affair
    During the Trent Affair the United States Navy captured Confederate envoys on a British Ship. This almost led to a war with Great Britain because of how angered they became with the U.S. because of this affair.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    This Battle was a very crucial battle in the war and was a very important win for the Union which resulted in General Ulysses S. grant to gain more control over the Mississippi River.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    This battle was known as the bloodiest battle of the Civil War and it was a crucial victory for the Union because it forced the Confederate army to retreat their troops across the Potomac River.
  • Issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation

    Issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation
    On this day Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which enforced that all slaves were now forced to be freed.
  • Battle of Federicksburg

    Battle of Federicksburg
    The Battle of Fredericksburg was a very good victory for the South but a tuff defeat for the Union Army. While the Confederate Army only lost about six thousand men the Union lost almost more than double that amount by losing twelve thousand men.
  • Vicksburg Campaign

    Vicksburg Campaign
    This battle was an extremely important battle for the Union and it acted as a turning point and it upheld the reputation of Ulysses S. Grant by making sure he kept full control of the Mississippi River.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    This battle played a key role in keeping the Confederate Army in the war. This victory made sure that the Union was not able to invade Richmond.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    During the Battle of Gettysburg the Union Army Defeated the Confederate Army which was a very tuff loss for the Confederate Army because it left general Robert E. Lee with no chance to invade the North.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    The Gettysburg Address was a speech made by Abraham Lincoln it was a very important speech during the war and it was for the soldiers who had perished during battle.
  • Overland Campaign

    Overland Campaign
    The overland Campaign was a plan designed by Ulysses S. Grant to try to put an end to the Confederate Army in Virginia and was unlike any of the other campaigns that took place in Virginia.
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    Sherman's March to the Sea
    Sherman's March to the Sea was a large march of about sixty thousand Union troops who marched through Gerogia stealing livestock, food, and burning houses and barns of whoever didn't like what they were doing.
  • Appomattox Campaign

    Appomattox Campaign
    The Appomattox Campaign was the last campaign that took place during the Civil war. This campaign was very rough for the Confederate Army because at the end of the campaign General Lee was forced to Surrender.
  • General Lee's surrender at Appomattox

    General Lee's surrender at Appomattox
    During the battle at Appomattox is when General Lee officially surrendedrered which was done at the Appomattox court house where Lee surrendered his twenty eight thousand troops to general Ulysses S. Grant.