Civil War

  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    In retaliation to Lincolns plan to resupply the fort, Confederate general P.G.T. Beauregard raided the fort. After a 34 hour artillery fire exchange. Anderson surrendered the fort the next day to P.G.T, but later on the union did get the fort back. The importance of this battle is that it was the first shoots of the Civil War and it also lead to a American Flag.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    The Union and Confederate armies clashed near Manassas Junction, Virginia in one of the first battles of the Civil War. Over 30 thousand troops marched to attack the Confederate force at the river of Bull Run.After a well played defensive strategy of the Confederate they where able to break thru the Union causing them to retreat.The importance of this battle is that the Union discovered the Confederate was not a easy force to defeat.
  • The Battle of Antietam

    The battle of Antietam took place at Antietam creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland. Confederate General Robert E. Lee army planned to invade the north with the Union army of General George McClellan. When Lee's troops went to retreat McClellan did nothing to top him which then got him fired in the end.The Huge significance of this battle would be that it allowed Lincoln to issuance thee Emancipation Proclamation.
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    Battle of Gettysburg

    On July first the Confederate army of General Lee crossed with the Union army of George G. Meade, near the town of Gettysburg.The Union troops formed around Cemetery ridge where they held there ground till backup came from Washington DC.This Battle is important because it shows that the Confederate is slipping and the victor is starting to be shown as the Union.
  • Battle of Petersburg

    The town of Petersburg was vital to the South so Robert E. Lee wanted to protect it at all cost. After the confederacy set up shop at Petersburg army after army of Union soldiers came and as it was going was not going to come out victorious. After a while the Union broke through because of the toll on Lee's army.The impact this battle had on the outcome of the Civil war is that this battle was the last win to ensure a Union victory.