American civil war condeferate artifacts h

Civil War

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    Underground Railroad

    Harriet Tubman freed slaves through the underground railroad to help them get away
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    John Brown led a rebellion with his sons to fight for the slaves freedoms.
  • Senate Violence

    Senate Violence
    Preston Brooks attacks to Charles Sumner and almost kills him while the people from the South sit back and watch
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    The court decision that decided slaves were property and cannot sue in the court of law.
  • South Carolina exiting the Union

    South Carolina exiting the Union
    Abraham Lincoln is elected president without his name being on the ballot in the South. The South becomes very upset and South Carolina is the first state to leave the Union
  • First Shots Fired in the War

    First Shots Fired in the War
    The Confederate Army fires the first shots at Fort Sumter because of Abraham Lincoln sending food and medical supplies to fort.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Due to the Union's victory in Antietam, Maryland, Lincoln found this as the perfect time to pass his Emancipation Proclamation which freed all slaves and rebellious states.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    After the Union's win in the battle of Gettysburg, Lincoln gives his speech to everyone to show that he just wants to reunite the union. "Why we fight, dedication to those men."
  • Scorched Earth

    Scorched Earth
    Shermans Total War from Atlanta to Savannah leaving both cities in ruins. Civilians were also marked as targets
  • Radical Republicans

    Radical Republicans
    The Radical Republicans want the South to give Black Suffrage and 50% loyalty but their main thing is to punish the South
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    Freedman's Bureau

    The Bureau was a success for the black people in the nation because it provided food, shelter and schooling for all blacks. Bureau ended because of the amount of money it costed.
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    13th Amendment - Slavery is officially abolished
    14th Amendment - All people born in the US are U.S citizens
    15th Amendment - All citizens are allowed to vote no matter the race
  • The Surrender

    The Surrender
    Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Court House to end the war.
  • Death of the President

    Death of the President
    President Lincoln is out to celebrate his victory from the war at a theater when John Wilkes Booth comes up from behind him and kills him
  • KKK

    The clan group that goes around terrorizing the black community because they don't believe that they should be free. They will hurt any blacks they see to make their lives miserable