Civil War 1861

  • The South Creates a Government

    The South Creates a Government
    The Confederate created a government and wrote a constitution. Also Jefferson Davis was named provisional president of the Confederate till elections could be held.
  • Lincoln's Inaguration

    Lincoln's Inaguration
    Lincoln said he had no intention to stop slavery but only to prevent it from happening in states that do not already have it. He also said he wants to settle this national crisis with no warfare.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Attack on Fort Sumter
    Fort Sumter was being attacked by the Confederate and the leader, Robert Anderson, was asked to surrender. The fort eventually surrendered and the fort was the owned by South Carolina.
  • Four More States Join The Confederacy

    Four More States Join The Confederacy
    After the attack on Fort Sumter it prompted four more states to join the confederacy. Also because of Virginia's secession, Richmond was named the new Confederate capitol.
  • Resignation of Robert E. Lee

    Resignation of Robert E. Lee
    Robert E. Lee was a general for the Union but on April 20th he resigned from being a general for the union to join the Confederate because his birthplace was in Virginia and his family was there.
  • West Virginia Was Born

    West Virginia Was Born
    People of the western counties of Virginia did not want secede with the rest of the state and was split from Virginia and joined the Union.
  • General McDowell Was Replaced

    General McDowell Was Replaced
    Once Lincoln was aware that the war could last longer than expected he thought he needed more organization and training. Therefore he replaced General McDowell with General George B. McClellan.
  • Blocking The South

    Blocking The South
    In order for the Union to be able to block out the Confederate they needed to upgrade their navy. This made the South build small fast ships to out maneuver the Union's ships.
  • Port Royal, South Carolina

    Port Royal, South Carolina
    On November 7, 1861 Captain Samuel F. Dupont took over Confederate controlled forts Walker and Beauregard. This made General Thomas W. Sherman and his troops occupy Port Royal.
  • The Start of a International Crisis

    The Start of a International Crisis
    Two Confederate Officials were sailing towards England and were captured by the Union.At this time England had the most power in the world. England demanded their release or they will start a war. Lincoln agrees to free them and says "One war at a time."