start of the war
The confederates fired and captured fort Sumter. It started off the civil war -
First battle of bull run
Lincoln had ordered an invasion of Virginia in the summer of 1861. Union forces clashed with confederate soldiers. -
Battle of the Antietam
The South lost the battle so they went back to fight in the north. It was the bloodiest day in American history. The Union Victory resulted Lincoln issuing the Emancipation Proclamation. -
Battle of Gettysburg
A three day battle in Gettysburg in which 23000 union troops die and 75000 confederate troops died. The bloodiest battle in the Civil War. -
Defeat of Vicksburg
The union had defeated the confederates at vicksburg. It was the last strong hold of the confederates. -
New York City Draft riots
Violent disturbances regarding the new laws passed by congress to draft men to fight in the ongoing civil war. -
Formation of the 54th mass
The first official black units in the US armed forces. Played an important role in bringing an end to slavery. -
Emancipation Proclamation
It declared that all slaves were free in addition to preserving the Union. -
Gettysburg address
Lincoln delivers a speech at a cemetery for the Union soldiers killed in the Gettysburg battle. -
Shermans march to sea
Lincoln names Grant head of the army. Grant develops a plan to defeat the confederate rebels.He has a total war. -
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Creation of Freedman's Bureau
Help for freed slaves during the reconstruction era. Attempted to change the society in the confederate states. -
congress passes the 13th amendment
Lincoln had been urging congress to pass a law to end slavery everywhere. Abolished slavery and prohibited involuntary servitude. -
surrender at Appomattox courthouse
Lee and Grant met in a small Virginia town called Appomattox courthouse.Lee surrendered ending the war.