First Confederate States of America President
CSA is formed with Jefferson Davis as the first elected president, and satrts to set up there own goverment. Its important its the starting of the sceding and telling the Uioun they dont like they way things are ran. -
Civil Begins
The Civil War began when, Confederates troops attackrd Fort Sumter, In South Carolina. It was important because this started the whole war, and it was South sceding form the Union. -
Period: to
The American Civil War
Whos side are you on?
Robert E. Lee was a son of a Revolutionary War Hero, also a 25 year distingusihed veteran of the US Army, aslo former superintendent of West Point. He was offered command of the Union Army, but he declines. This is important because it shows the fix feelings that people have and which side people are starting to take -
Cutting the Supply lines
President Abe Lincoln of the United States start to cut the supplys of the CSA Army, by issuing a Promclamation of Blockade agianst the Southern Ports, for the duration of the War. Important because its'll make the south low on supplys -
First Bull Run
The Confederate Army wins there first majour battle at Bull Run, which was 25 miles southwest of Washington. Thomas J Jackson earns his nickname 'Stone Wall Jackoson" as his brigade resists Union attacks. Union Army General Irvin McDowell and his troops suffers a defeat and retreat back to Washingtion. President Lichon realizes the war will be hard and long. -
Battle of Shiloh
At the Battle of Shiloh on the Tennesse River the Confederate suprise attacked Ulysses Grant and his troops. The results are bitter for the Union with 13,000 killed and wounded and only 10,000 for the Confederates. -
Second battle of Bull Run
General John Pope and 75,000 Union Troops are defeated by General Stone Wall Jackson and 55,000 Confedreates troops. Once agian the Union Army retreats to Washington, and the Confederates score another win. -
The Union army takes defeated agian. General Hooker is defeated by Lee's much smaller force, do to his brilliant and daring tactics. Hooker retrrets and loses 17,000 killed, missing, or wounded. The Confederates lost about 13,000. -
Souths suffers
Stone Wall Jackson dies from his wounds. Which casue the South to suffer, he was one of there good leaders in battle. Stone wall Jackson last words to his men. "Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the tree". -
President Lincoln writes and reads the Gettysburg Adress. The tides turn in the war. The Confederates are defeated by the Union Army. The Union is light at the end of the tunle to bring the south back in the Union -
President Abe lincoln is re-elected for president. He defeated Democrat George B. Mclellan heavily. Abe carring all but three states with a 55% percent of the Popular vote. He healed the electoral votes 212 of 233. -
March to the Sea
William Tecumseh Sherman reaaches Georgia leaving a path of destruction that was 300 miles long and 64 miles wide. Willliam Sherman teleographs President Abe Linclon, and tells him he has Savannah as a Christmas President. -
Confedrate Defeat
The Union is adaving thro the South. Grant's force begins the break tho Lee's lines at Petesburg. and advance. Confederate General Ambrose P. Hill is killed. The Confederate Capital is evacuated, fires and looting begins to break out. -
The ending
Robert E. Lee surndered his last major force, to the US Brigadier Genral Ulysses S Grant, at Appomattox Courthouse, Which ending the long and mostly bloody bad the US had to fight. -
The South Surrenders
Lee and Grant meet at Appomattox Court. Grant is very nice and talks to Lee, like they were best friends and haven't talked in along time Grant allows the Confedrate Officers to keep there side arms and hold the horses and mules -
Lincoln Shot
The American Flag is ceremonionusly rasied over Fort Sumter. Later that night Lincoln and his wife went to see the play 'Our American Cousin". John Wilkes Booth shoots President Lincoln in the head.