Compromise of 1850
Henry clay introduced a series of resulutions in attempt to seek compromise and crises between the North and the South -
Bleeding Kansas
was a series of violent political confrontation in the US between 1854-1861 involving anti slavery people and pro slavery people -
The Kansas Nebraska act
passed by US congress it allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide if they wanted slavery or not -
The Dread Scott Decision
Legal case in the US sapream court with a slave named Dread Scott who was a free slave who was never granted his freedom and they were sayinng African Americans could never be US citazens -
Lincoln- Douglas Debates
series of 7 diffrent debates between Stephen A Douglas and Abraham Lincoln. The debates were if there should be slavery or not -
Harpers Ferry
a key site aboistnist raided the location where the Potomac and Sherdon rivers meet -
Lincolns Election
Lincoln got elected to be presadent of the US -
Fort Sumter
sea fort in Charleston South Carolina first battle there was when the artillery fired on Union Garrison -
Bull Run
Battle that was in Vergina the Confederate took the win -
Near Maraland and Antitam creek Union Army launched attack on Lee army -
Emancipation Proclamination
Issued by Lincoln changed fedural legal status or more then 3 million enslaved people -
The reconstruction starts after the war to get the new rules in place and be peace -
Gettysburg and Gettysburg Address
a speach given by Lincoln deducated to the soldures who died at battle of gettysburg -
Abdersonville Prison
a confedurate prison used all the 12 months of the civil war. -
Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln's assassination happend at a play he was attendeing when actor John Wilks shot him -
surrender at Appomattox Court House
Battle of Appomattox Court House. A print showing Union Army General-in-Chief Ulysses S. Grant accepting Confederate General-in-Chief Robert E. Lee's surrender on