Creating the Confederacy
6 states met up in Montgomery , Alabama to create form there own Confederacy , write their own constitution, and plan for an independent nation. This happened because when Lincoln was President Southern states did not like the Northerners oppression , Government and were afraid they were going to take there slaves away. -
The beginning
The beginning of the civil war starts when confederates attack federal fort summer and they end up surrendering at Fort Sumter. -
The Battle of Fort Donelson
The Battle of Fort Donelson happened in the western part of america where General Grant captures two forts (Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers). This forced them to open the Cumberland River. This helped southerns pass through for there next attack. -
Two ironclad warships
Two ships that were built by the union and confederate Merrimac and Confederate. This happened at Hampton Roads during the Civil War going on. This was the first battle between two ironclad warships. -
The Battle of Chancellorsville
The most stunning Confederate victory which was led by General Robert Lee and Thomas Stone Wall Jackson with 65,000 men. The Union was controlled by Joseph Hooker army was doubled the confederate army. Lee divided his army in half and talks to Jackson to attack. Later on Jackson takes his soldiers to the western area around Hookers army and attack in the western front. -
Battle of Vicksburg
A battle that was fought for control of the Mississippi River and was a great victory for union General Ulisees S. Grant. Grants army defeated confederate forces , split the confederacy into two and occupy the Mississippi. -
Promoting Major General Ulysses S. Grant
General Ulysses S. Grant was promoted by President Lincoln to lead the Union army against the Confederate Army. -
The Battle of Wilderness
The Army of the Potomac crossed the Rapidan River and General Lee wanted his army to confront them. He stops them by the Wilderness and fights them. -
Grant was focused on the railroad junction and was communicating outside of Richmond Long siege of Petersburg. -
Lee Surrenders
Lee doesn't want his troops to keep suffering and he surrenders to General Grant in the southern.