Civil War

By Alex 9C
  • Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln is elected sixteenth president of the United States, the first Republican president in the nation who represents a party that opposes the spread of slavery in the territories of the United States.
  • First Secession Convention

    The first Secession Convention meets in Columbia, South Carolina.
  • South Carolina

    South Carolina secedes from the Union.
  • Succedes

    Six additional southern states secede from the Union.
  • The confederates

    The southern states that seceded create a government at Montgomery, Alabama, and the Confederate States of America are formed.
  • Jefferson Davis

    Jefferson Davis is appointed the first President of the Confederate States of America at Montgomery, Alabama, a position he will hold until elections can be arranged.
  • Civil War has begun

    Southern forces fire upon Fort Sumter, South Carolina. The Civil War has formally begun.
  • Lincoln ask for volunteers

    President Lincoln issues a public declaration that an insurrection exists and calls for 75,000 militia to stop the rebellion. As a result of this call for volunteers, four additional southern states secede from the Union in the following weeks. Lincoln will respond on May 3 with an additional call for 43,000+ volunteers to serve for three years, expanding the size of the Regular Army.
  • Washington Renovation

    To thwart the Confederate threat in northern Virginia, a series of earthworks and forts are engineered to surround the City of Washington, adding to protection already offered by active posts such as Fort Washington on the Potomac River.
  • Battle of Wilson's Creek

    The Union Army under General Nathaniel Lyon, attack Confederate troops and state militia southwest of Springfield, Missouri, and after a disastrous day that included the death of Lyon, are thrown back. The Confederate victory emphasizes the strong southern presence west of the Mississippi River.
  • Battle of Ball's Bluff

    Colonel Edward D. Baker, senator from Oregon and a friend of President Lincoln, led troops across the Potomac River only to be forced back to the river's edge where he was killed. The ensuing Union withdrawal turned into a rout with many soldiers drowning while trying to re-cross the icy waters of the Potomac River.
  • Battle of Mill Springs

    The Union victory weakened the Confederate hold on the state.
  • Battle of Roanoke Island

    A Confederate defeat, the battle resulted in Union occupation of eastern North Carolina and control of Pamlico Sound, to be used as Northern base for further operations against the southern coast.
  • Jefferson Davis

    Jefferson Davis is inaugurated as President of the Confederate States of America.
  • The Battle of Shiloh (Pittsburg Landing)

    Confederate General Albert Sidney Johnston, a veteran of the Texas War of Independence and the War with Mexico considered to be one of the finest officers the South has, is killed on the first day of fighting. The Union victory further secures the career of Union General Ulysses S. Grant.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Stones River

    Fought between the Union Army of the Cumberland under General William Rosecrans and the Confederate Army of Tennessee under General Braxton Bragg, the costly Union victory frees middle Tennessee from Confederate control and boosts northern morale.
  • The Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia

    General Lee's greatest victory is marred by the mortal wounding of "Stonewall" Jackson, who dies on May 10. Soon after, Lee asks Jefferson Davis for permission to invade the North and take the war out of Virginia.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The bloodiest battle of the Civil War dashes Robert E. Lee's hopes for a successful invasion of the North.
  • Amnesty

    Lincoln Issues his Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, which would pardon those who participated in the "existing rebellion" if they take an oath to the Union.
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    Is appointed lieutenant general, a rank revived at the request of President Lincoln. Grant assumes command of all Union Armies in the field the following day.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Jonesborough

    The final southern counterattack against Union troops outside the city of Atlanta fails.
  • Lincoln re-election

    Lincoln re-election
    Abraham Lincoln is reelected president of the United States.
  • The Battle of Sailor's Creek

     The Battle of Sailor's Creek
    A portion of Lee's Army- almost one-third of it- is cornered along the banks of Sailor's (or "Saylor's") Creek and annihilated.
  • Lincoln assassination

    Lincoln assassination
    President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated by actor John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater in Washington, DC. On the same day, Fort Sumter, South Carolina is re-occupied by Union troops.
  • Jefferson Davis surrender

    Confederate President Jefferson Davis is captured near Irwinville, Georgia.
  • Civil war final battle

    The final battle of the Civil War takes place at Palmito Ranch, Texas. It is a Confederate victory.
  • The Civil War ends

    The Civil War ends
    General Simon Bolivar Buckner enters into terms for surrender of the Army of the Trans-Mississippi, which are agreed to on June 2, 1865.The Civil War officially ends.