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Civil War

By hizashi
  • Period: to

    Civil War Times

  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Attack on Fort Sumter
    After the fort refused to surrender southern ships put the fort under 40 hours of continuous shelling before surrender. The fort was one-fifth on fire by the end. The Southern commander gave the orders to take over the fort after all the Union troops safely left. Victory for Confederacy.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    First great battle of the Civil War, fought at Manassas Junction near Bull Run Creek. Many Congressmen and wives watched from behind the battles lines. Irvin McDowell commanded untrained Union troops while Thomas Jackson fought and defeated them. The battle was a huge surprize to both North and South, and supported the idea that the war would not be easy or end quickly. Victory for Confederacy.
  • Battle of Pea Ridge

    Battle of Pea Ridge
    On the night Earl Van Dorn attacked Union troops near Pea Ridge, dividing his army into two. Learning of Van Dorn’s approach, the Federals marched north to meet his advance. This movement killed two generals and captured the ranking colonel, halting the attack. Samuel R. Curtis, having regrouped, counterattacked, and slowly forced the Rebels back. Running short of ammunition, Van Dorn abandoned the battlefield. The Union controlled Missouri for the next two years. Victory for Union.
  • USS Monitor v. CSS Virginia

    USS Monitor v. CSS Virginia
    The battle was the first clash of ironclads on Hampton Roads, Virginia, a main waterway guarded by Union ships. The newly Union Built Monitor faced the Southern Ironclad Virginia. After hours of fighting neither ship suffered much damage, but the Virginia gave up. Victory for Union.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    The first battle with a large number or casualties was fought by Ulysses Grant and a Confederate surprize attack after heading into Mississippi. The Confederate army met Grant at Shiloh, Tennessee in a unexpected attack. Grants army was surprized and almost destroyed till reinforcements came. Victory for Union
  • Union Captures New Orleans

    Union Captures New Orleans
    17 Union ships under the command of David Farragut broke through the confederate defense and moved up the Mississippi River to capture New Orleans, the South's best seaport. Union troops then marched into the city and captured the city. Vitory for Union
  • The Battle of Seven Pines (Fair Oaks)

    The Battle of Seven Pines (Fair Oaks)
    Joseph E. Johnston attempted to overwhelm two Federal corps that appeared isolated south of the Chickahominy River. The Confederate assaults succeeded in driving back the Corps and inflicting heavy casualties. Reinforcements arrived, and both sides sent more troops into battle. Both sides claimed victory.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    A series of battles, south led by Generals Joseph Johnston and Robert Lee. The south drove back the Union army and Lee then breaks McClellans seige of Richmond. Victory for Confederacy.
  • Seven Days’ Battles

    Seven Days’ Battles
    A series of battles outside of Richmond VA, the south led by Gererals Joseph Johnston and Robert Lee, Union le by George McLellan. The south manages to drive back Union forces to Washington though outnumbered. Victory for Confederacy
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    Robert Lee and his Confederate forces crossed into Maryland on there way to Washington, D. C. But Union troops blocked the way and the bloodies single day battle broke out. Lee realiazed his position was bad for receiving suppplies and withdrew his toops to Virginia. Victory for Union.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    Union general Ambrose Burnside learned the mistake of attacking an entrenched enemy with a frontal assault. Robert E. Lee was dug in at the top of a hill called Marye’s Heights and he was able to repel 14 Union assaults. The screams of wounded Union soldiers could be heard from the base of the heights but the soldiers were unable to help their fallen comrades. Victory for Confederacy.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    At Chancellorsville Joseph Hooker was outmaneuvered by Robert Lee and Stonewall Jackson. This battle was the greatest Confederate victory of the war. However, Stonewall Jackson was accidentally shot by his own troop and died a week later. Victory to Confederacy.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    The geography made it hard to capture the city so Ulyssess Grant cut the city off of food supplies. Residents of the city began eathing animals such as horses, dogs, and rats. The city surrendered, Victory for Union.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Known as the turning point of the war. Lee invaded the North again after his successes at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. He tried to break the Union lines for two days “Pickett’s Charge” as this is known fails and Lee retreats back to Virginia. Never again would the South have a chance to win the war or threaten the North. Victory for Union
  • Battle of Chickamauga

    Battle of Chickamauga
    One of the few times Confederate forces attacked. A large Union army was routed by Braxton Bragg and James Longstreet. The only person that avoided total disaster for the Union was Gen. George Thomas, who earned the nickname the “Rock of Chickamauga” for the way in which he held his troops together. A huge victory for the Confederate forces.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    The potentially decisive Battle of Gettysburg was the topic of this public proclamation that was attended by fifteen thousand people. The carefully crafted speech lasted only a little over two minutes, but drove home the ideals of human equality and democracy being a government of, for and by the people.
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    Battle of Chattanooga
    Braxton Bragg’s army laid siege to the Union army under William Rosecrans at Chattanooga, cutting off its supplies. Ulysses Grant received command of the Western armies; he moved to reinforce Chattanooga. A new supply line was soon established. Union soldiers then assaulted and carried the seemingly impregnable Confederate position on Missionary Ridge. One of the Confederacy’s two major armies was routed. The Federals held Chattanooga. Victory for Union.
  • Battle of Spotsylvania

    Battle of Spotsylvania
    Grant continued his drive towards Richmond. Although Grant’s casualties were higher, he could
    afford to lose the troops while Lee could not. Grant knew this and used it to his advantage. Victory for Union.
  • Battle of Cold Harbor

    Battle of Cold Harbor
    Ulysses Grant greastest defeat by Robert Lee. Grant moved his toops to Lee's army. They fought at Cold Harbor to advance upon Richmond. After many casualties the Union army called off the attack. Victory for Confederacy
  • The Siege of Petersburg

    The Siege of Petersburg
    The final battle between Lee and Grant. The siege of Petersburg ended the Confederacy. Lee finally halted Grant’s drive toward Richmond but could not defeat him. The eventual the battle would be won by the North. Both sides dug elaborate trenches in a preview of WW I 50 years later. Richmond finally fell on April 2, 1865. Final Victory for Union.