The Confederate States of America is formed
The Confederate States of America was a goverment that was set up by eleven south slavery states in 1861-1864 who declared their secession for the United States. South Carolina was the leader, for they were the first state to secede from the Union with Tennessee being last. -
Abraham Lincoln Elected President (first term)
In this election Lincoln was up against John C. Breckinridge, John Bell, and Stephen Douglass. During the election he was most famous for his Lincoln- Douglass debates. He was a republican that was against the spread of slavery and wanted to gradually end it. In the end he only recieved 40% of the popular vote, but beat the other three candidates. -
Attack on Fort Sumter
Confederate forces demanded the Union forces to surrender at Fort Sumter, SC. However the Union army denied and began fighting. Union leader, General Robert Anderson, ended up surrendering on April 13 (the following day.) This bombardment on Fort Sumter would be the opening engagement of the Civil War. -
First Battle of Bull Run
The First Battle of Bull Run was the first major battle of the Civil War. This is also the Confederates first victory. The Confederate's win would crush the North's hope of winning the Civil War. -
Trent Affair
The Trent Affair was an international diplomatic incident that occured during the Civil War. This almost created a war between Britain and the United States. It started by the Union seizeing a British ship that were helping support the Confederacy. This aroused the British and were demanding an American apology and the release of Mason and Slidell. -
Battle of Shiloh
This battle took place in Tennessee where the Union army was able to gain control over the Mississippi River Walley. Overall the Union took victory in this battle. Overall this battle has 23,000 casualities, being the bloodiest American battle at this time in history. -
Union Captures New Orleans
This was a very important event for the union where they captured the largest confederate city. It was considered one of the major turning points and an incident of international importance. What went wrong that made this mission a success was that the confederates were expecting an attack from the Mississippi instead of from the Gulf of Mexico. -
Battle of Chattanooga
The Union leader, James Negley, and the confederate leader was Edmund Kirby Smith. The result was a small union victory due to uncordinated confederates that were undisciplined gunners that were allowed to do whatever. The Battle of Chattanooga was a warning that Union troops could mount assaults when they wanted. This promoted confederate troops to withdraw areas at Chattanooga which allowed the capture of the Cumberland Gap. -
Seven Days Battle
The Sevens Days Battle was a series of 6 major battles that were fought over the course of seven days. Gerneral Robest E. Lee was able to drive the Confederate army away from Richmond Virginia into a retreat down to Peninsula. -
Second Battle of Bull Run
The Union army, under command of Gen. John Pope, threatened the town of Gordonsville. Gen. Robert Lee sent "Stonewall" Jackson to try to protect the town against Pope's threats. Jackson was able to defeat Pope's army, leading to a Confederate victory. -
Battle of Antietam
The Battle of Antietam (Battle of Sharpsburgh) was the bloodiest single day battle in history even though it only lasted hours. The winner was inconclusive, but this battle forced Confederates to retreat back to the Potomac River. Lincoln would then issue the Emancipation Proclimation. -
Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order that proclaimed the freedom of slaves in ten states that were still in rebellion. This proclamation freed about 50,000 slaves. It did not compensate the owners, it did not get rid of slavery, and it did not make freedmen citizens though. However it weakened forces in Europe that wanted to intervene to help the confederacy during the Civil War. -
First (union) Conscription Act
The first union conscription act was a call for registration of all males that were between th ages of 20 and 45. They made this act due to the shortage of soldiers and military losses. To be exempt from the draft you had to pay $300, or you would have to find a substitute to take your spot. People thought that this was an unfair advantage to the wealthier class and it ultimately caused bloody draft riots in New York City. -
Seige of Vicksburgh
The Union army blocked off the Confederates troops at Vicksburgh not allowing them to pass. This lead to starvation and mal nutrition of the Confederates, they eventualy ended yp having to eating their own horses, this is a big risk during the war. The Confederates ended up surrendering leading to Union victory. -
The Battle of Gettysburg
Confederate troops headed to Gettysburgh Pennsylvania to try to get some boots and other supplies. General Lee and his troops ran right into the Union General, George Meade. This triggered the battle, which would turn the tide against the Confederates. The Union troops ended up winning this 2 day battle. -
Battle of Chickamauga
The Battle of Chickamauga was a confederate victory that was the end of the union offensive attack in southeastern Tennessee and northwestern Georgia. It was the most significant union defeat and had one of the highest casualties following Gettysburgh. It drove one third of the union army from the field. -
Gettysburg Address
Abraham Lincoln gave one of the most well-known speeches in American history, the Gettsyburgh Address.The speech was delivered at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania during the Civil War. -
Lincoln is Re-Elected President (second term)
For re-election Abraham Lincon's only other candidate who went up against him is George B. McClellan who was a former commander of the union army. Lincoln won about 78% of the union soldier's vote and won about 55% of the popuoar vote winning him the election. It was the first election since 1832 in which an incumbent president won re-election. -
Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
Where Robert E. Lee surrendered his tired and weak army to Ulysses Grant. Robert E. Lee surrendered once he realized that there was no other choice since his army was surrounded by union soldiers. After a series of notes between the two generals they decided to meet at the village of Appomattox Courthouse. This meeting lasted two and one-half hours and led to the end of the nation's bloodiest conflicts. -
Assassination of President Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was killed on Good Friday April 14, 1865 and was the first American President to be assassinated. Killed by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's theatre in Washington D.C. This was part of a large conspiracy in a bid to revive the confederate cause. This occured five days after Lee's surrender to the Army of Potoma.