• Lincoln Elected

    Lincoln Elected
    On November 6th, 1860, Lincoln was elected to office. He won both the electoral and popular vote. Lincoln wanted to stop slavery from growing in the West.This caused anger in the South, because Southerners wanted to slavery to spread.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    The Lincoln election of 1860 was the last straw for South Carolina. On December 20, 1860 South Carolina finally seceded from the United States. South Carolina was later followed by 10 more states.
  • Mississippi Secedes

    Mississippi Secedes
    After South Carolina seceded in 1860, Mississippi made the decision to follow them. By the end of January, Mississppi was no longer part of the U.S.
  • Florida Secedes

    Florida Secedes
    like Missipssippi, Florida no longer wanted to be a part of the United States. On January 10, 1861, Florida seceded.
  • Alabama Secedes

    Alabama Secedes
    On January 11, Alabama joined the Confederate States of America.
  • Georgia Secedes

    Georgia Secedes
    Georgia is the 5th state to secede the United States following Alabama.
  • Louisiana Secedes

    Louisiana Secedes
    Louisiana is the 6th state to leave the U.S. and join the CSA.
  • Texas Secedes

    Texas Secedes
    Texas is last to secede of the originall 7 states of the CSA.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Fort Sumter was bombarded by the Confederates for 2 days starting on April 12 to April 13, 1861.
  • Virgina Secedes

    Virgina Secedes
    Virgina is the first of next four states to join the CSA after Lincoln calls for 75,000 troops, but its western counties did not agree so they made West Virginia.
  • Lincoln Calls for 75,000 Volunteers

    Lincoln Calls for 75,000 Volunteers
    After the surrender of Fort Sumter, President Lincoln issued a proclamation that all states were send 75,000 volunteers. This was only fuel to the fire of the confederacy.
  • Robert E. Lee becomes Commander

    Robert E. Lee becomes Commander
    He used to be Jefferson Davis' military adviser until he was known for being a great tactian.
  • Arkansas Secedes

    Arkansas Secedes
    Arkansas is the second of the last four states to join the CSA.
  • Tennessee

    Tennessee was 1 later from when Arkansas joined the CSA.
  • North Carolina

    North Carolina
    North CArolina was the final state to join the CSA because of Lincoln's rash call for 75,000 volunteers.
  • 1st Manassas (1st Bull Run

    1st Manassas (1st Bull Run
    This was the first major land battle of the civil war. The commanders in charge were Brig. Gen. Irwin McDowell (Union) versus Birg. Gen.s P.G.T Beauregard and Jospeh E. Johnston. Win for Confederates near Manassas Junction.
  • McClellan becomes Commander

    McClellan becomes Commander
    Upon arriving in Washington D.C. after Licoln called for him, George B. McClellan was promoted to commander of the army of the Potomac.
  • Burnside becomes commander

    Burnside becomes commander
    McClellan was fired for not meeting Lincoln needs. So lincoln put in Ambrose E. Burnside as the new commander.
  • Battle of Fort Herny

    Battle of Fort Herny
    On February 4 and 5 Ulysses S. Grant postioned two divisions near and waited until they could attack on February 6th. They took the fort easily because it had started to flood because its building site was horrible.
  • Fort Donelson

    Fort Donelson
    After Fort Henry's defeat, the Union was able to move 12 miles overland to Fort Donelson. The fight went on from the 11th to the 16th. Even with the advantage of the Navy gunboats, the union still took to more days until the confederates surrendered.
  • Merrimack v Monitor

    Merrimack v Monitor
    Is the battle of Hampton Roads. The two ironclad ships fought for three hours. Both sides claimed victory.
  • Pope becomes commander

    Pope becomes commander
    After his great work on the Mississippi, Lincoln gave John Pope the commanding officer of the Union.
  • Shiloh

    Althought the confederates dominated the 1st day, the 2nd day was the Union's turning point making them win. Is the bloodiest batle in all of U.S. History.
  • 2nd Manassas (2nd Bull Run)

    2nd Manassas (2nd Bull Run)
    This was when the Robert E. Lee went on the offensive to fight The Army of the Potomac led by Pope. This ended in a Confederate victory on the same field of the 1st Manassas.
  • Sharpsburg (Antietam)

    Sharpsburg (Antietam)
    This was the second major battle between McClellan and Lee. It is thought to be a tie, but was a strategic win for the union.
  • Fredericksburg

    This was a one of history's most one sided battles. With the confederates behind the stone wall, Burnside decides use the peacemail method that utterly failed.
  • Chancellorsville

    This was a 7 day battle. Because Lee was outnumbered and about to be smushed he divided his army which is a risky move. Although it was risky, the Confederates ended up winning.
  • Vicksburg

    This took almost two months for the Union to win. Vicksburg started running low on supplies and holding out for forty days made the confederates ive up and surrender.
  • Gettysburg

    THe battle of Gettysburg took place July 1-3. I would have to say this is the most famous civil war battle in history. THe union was able to keep a very strong defense, so the now offensive confederates lost.
  • Atlanta Captured

    Atlanta Captured
    This was the result of a campaign full of battles. Gen. Sherman (union) went up against Gen. Johnston (con.) after invading Georgia from Chattanooga's vicinity. Johnston was soon replaced with Gen. Hood, but the Union still won.
  • Siege of Petersburg

    Siege of Petersburg
    Petersburg's siege was a series of attacks from trenches. This is why it is called a trench warfaer instead of a siege where suplles are cut off and the area is surrounded. This took 9 months with the Union winning in the end.
  • Battle of Nashville

    Battle of Nashville
    This was a two day battle on Dec. 15 - 16. For the Union, this was a very great achievement. They had a lot of lucky chances that ended up with them killing many key Confederate generals.
  • Lee Surrenders

    Lee Surrenders
    Lee surrendered after the Battle of Appomattox, which was the last meeting of the confederates and federals. He thought the the federals were made of only calvary but they were being backed up by two corps forcing him to surrender.
  • Licoln Assinated

    Licoln Assinated
    This took place only five days after Lee surrendered to the Union. He was shot at Ford's Theater during a production of "Our American Cousin". This was mainly orchestrated by John WIlkes Booth.
  • Joseph E. Johnson

    Joseph E. Johnson
    This officially ended the war and was the biggest surrender of confederate soldiers. It happened at Bennett Place with the negotiations between Gen. Sherman and Gen. Johnston.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    This was the offical declaritive that slavery was to be abolished for good. This basically meant involuntary servitude was only as a punishment of a crime.