Period: to
The Civil War
South Carolina secedes from the Union
Mississippi secedes from the Union
Florida secedes from the Union
Georgia secedes from the Union
Alabama secedes from the Union
Louisiana secedes from the Union
Texas secedes from the Union
President Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated
South Carolina shells Fort Sumter, starting the Civil War
Virginia secedes from the Union
President Lincoln approves Winfield Scott's Anaconda Plan
Arkansas secedes from the Union
North Carolina secedes from the Union
Tennessee secedes from the Union
First Battle of Bull Run
West Virginia secedes from the rest of Virginia
Battle of Hampton Roads (Battle of the Ironclads)
The Battle of Shiloh
Battle of Mechanicsville (The Seven Days' Battles)
Battle of Gaines's Mill (The Seven Days' Battles)
Battle of Savage's Station (The Seven Days' Battles)
Battle of Frayser's Farm (The Seven Days' Battles)
Battle of Malvern Hill (The Seven Days' Battles)
Confederate troops retreat to Richmond, ending the Penninsular Campaign
Second Battle of Bull Run
Battle of Antietam
Battle of Fredricksburg
President Lincoln delivers the Emancipation Proclamation
Vicksburg Campaign begins
Battle of Chancellorsville
West Virginia is accepted into the Union
Battle of Gettysburg
Vicksburg Campaign ends
Battle of Chickamauga
Battle of Chattanooga
Grant's Wilderness Campaign
Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse
Siege of Petersburg begins
President Lincoln is re-elected
Sherman's March to Sea (Savannah Campaign) begins
Sherman's March to Sea (Savannah Campaign) ends
Siege of Petersburg ends
General Grant captures Richmond, the Confederate capital
General Lee surrenders to General Grant at Appotamox Courthouse
President Lincoln is assassinated in Ford's Theater
Remaining Confederate troops surrender
Confederate President Jefferson Davis is captured in Georgia