Civil War

  • Lincoln elected president

    Though winning in the electoral college,Lincoln's lack of a popular majority is an indication of the problem he would face with a divided nation
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Union General McDowell and Confederate General Beauregard were involved
  • Grant Fight in Tennessee

    General Grant captures two Forts on the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. Confederates forced out of Kentucky and yield much of Tennessee
  • Monitor vs. Merrimac

    Off Hampton Roads,Virgina-First ironclad battle in history end in a draw as the Merrimac withdraws after daylong exchange of fire. Union blochage of south is maintained
  • Seond Bull Run

    Northenr,Virgina-McCellan replaced by General.Pope.Lee and General Stonewall Jackson defeat Union troops again ar Manassas and Pope is replaced by McCellan
  • Antietam

    Maryland-Heavily outnumbered, Lee's troops face McCellan in bloody fighting,Over 23,000 casualties(more than all previous American wars combined).Lee retreats to Virgina
  • Emancipation Proclaimation

    Washington D.C.- With victory at Antietm, Lincoln announces that on 01/01/63, all slaves in the rebelling states would be free. Does not affect border states forces European nation to recognize that choosing sides in the Civil War is to take a stand on slavery
  • Fredericksburg

    Central Virgina-General Burnside attacks Lee's fortified posititon and suffers 10,000casualties (to Lee's 500)
  • Chancellorsville

    General Hooker defeated by Lee,but Jackson is mistakenly shot by his own men and killed
  • Chattanooga

    Tennessee- Reinforced with troops from the east, Grant is able to push Southern troop back and prepare for assault on Atlanta and the heart of the Confederate
  • Gant promoted to Lt.Geneal & given command to all Union troops

    Washington D.C.- Grant prepares for assault on Richmond.Lincoln's cabinet complains that Grant is a drunk and trys to interfere with his command, Lincoln gives his unconditional support ans ask not to be notified of his plans
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    South of Richmond,Virgina- Grant forces on railroad junction and communication outside of Richmond.Long siege of Peterburg begins with troops living in trenches which stretches 50 miles
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    Atlanta to Savannah

    Georgia-General Sherman destroys Atlanta and then send troops on 300 mile destructive march to the sea.Railroads torn up,buildids destroyed, crops burned in an attempt to break the will of the South
  • Lincoln is Assassinated

    Days after Lee surrender Lincoln was shot in the back of the head while attending a comedy. He was shot by actor and confederate supporter John Wilkes Booth.
  • Lee surrenders

    Appomattox court house,Virgina-Lee refuse to see his troops suffer any further,surrenders to Grant. Southern troops given generous terms of surrender.