Civil War

  • Compromise of 1850

    This event was to not just put slavery on the side. The wanted to make North and South happy but it ended up just causing more problems than before. The North wasn't obeying the Fugitive Slave Laws causing the South to become furious, which led to the South leaving the Union 10 years later.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Battle of Chancellorville

    Battle of Chancellorville
    The Union was losing faith during this Battle. Hooker came along and helped them out though, causing the war to take a turn. Hooker came up with a plan to outflank Lee in three different corps, but Lee had a better tactic, Lee launched multiple attacks on Hooker causing much causality. Jackson had gotten shot leading the Confederate army to take a major loss. Giving the Union a victory.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Confederate forces had starting attacking the Union and by the end of the battle almost all of the federal troops were defeated. But, during the night reinforcements had arrived, and the next day the Union came back with a fight. Confederate forces retreated but the casualties were heavy. 13,000 out of 63,000 Union soldiers died, and 11,000 of 40,000 Confederate soldiers were killed.
  • Vicksburg Campaign

    Vicksburg Campaign
    Grant led the Union into Southern coast which was a long struggle and although the assault showed some success at first, the Confederates quickly restored their original lines of defense. Grant then decided that that wasn't enough and formed a siege that cut off all the supplies going into the city. The siege had ended when Grant got the town and 30,000 men, making the Confederate states of America stronger.
  • Quote from Vicksburg Campaign

    Quote from Vicksburg Campaign
    "Vicksburg is the key. The war can never be brought to a close until the key is in our pocket," said. Union President
    Abraham Lincoln
  • Antietam

    The Battle of Antietam was won by the Union who won by the South retreating in the battle, making it one of the bloodiest days of the war; 2,108 Union soldiers were killed/ 9,549 wounded and 2,700 Confederates killed/ 9,029 wounded. The battle gave Britain and France to give Lincoln an opportunity to announce his Emancipation Proclamation act which would free all slaves.
  • Emincipation Proclamation

    Emincipation Proclamation
    By making this "Proclamation", Lincoln made the point and emphasized his message that he will make slavery his top priority. He wanted to liberate the slaves from the rebel states and the abolitionist on his side, but he wasn't truly listening to everyone on this matter. Lincoln denied the demands of the radical Republicans for complete abolition. This Proclamation led to the slaves in areas still in rebellion was, under the federal government, free.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Fort Sumter was under control of Major Anderson, who saw the danger of future attacks and decided to evacuate women and children from the fort, Major Anderson notified Lincoln about the shortage of food supply at the fort and was told that the fort would be provided with everything necessary. However, the answer did not prevent the beginning of war. Anderson was ordered to evacuate the fort, he refused. Troops opened fire on the fort. These shots marked the beginning of the Civil War.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    While the battle of Gettysburg has been labeled the "turning point of the Civil War," in fact all it did was create massive casualties on both sides and allow the war to drag on for two more years. McClellan ordering him to finish off the Southern Army at Gettysburg. Instead of following that order, the General allowed Lee and his men to retreat back into the Confederacy forcing the Union soldiers to chase after them, nearly costing the Union to lose the war.
  • Capture of Alanta

    Capture of Alanta
    This was a led up to Sherman's March to the Sea, Sherman still wanted to destroy the Army of Tennessee, capture Atlanta, and cut off all vital supplies that the Confederate needed. He was able to force the surrender of Atlanta boosting Northern morale and greatly improving Abraham Lincoln's re-election bid.
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    Sherman's March to the Sea
    Sherman led his army on a mission to defeat the rebel Army of Tennessee. About 100,000 men were led on this journey, but it was no ordinary trip. The soldiers would all raid the towns making it so that the Confederate soldiers had nothing to help them fight. This was an introduction on how the war was going to be fought; it had opened a bloody battle on everyone.
  • Quote from Serman's March

    One girl quotes, "There is hardly a fence left... The fields were trampled down; the roads were lined with bodies of horses, hog, and cattle... The houses that were standing all showed signs of robbery, and every plantation we saw the charred remains of the cotton gin houses.
  • Fall of the Confederacy

    Lee's forces weren't getting all they had needed. There were transportation problems and successful blockades that caused shortages on food and supplies in the South. This led to Lee's army to slowly get deserted by the soldiers who once had morale to fight. President Davis tried arming the slaves to keep the army from shrinking, but it was never fully put in effect.