Lincoln elected president
Lincoln being elected angered the south. The south believed that he would try to abolish slavery completely so they seceeded. He was also the president of the Union during th ecivil war. -
South Carolina seceeds
They did thisbecause Lincoln was electded. This set an example for the other states that they could seceed too. This was also the basis for the confederacy and helped create it. -
Confederacy formed
This was the reason the war started. The Confederacy seceeding is what caused the North and south to split. 7 states seceeded and wrote their own constitution. -
Lincolns Inaguration
Lincolns inaguration marked the beggining of the tension because he was now in power. After his inaguration the southerners began to sieze federal posts. This was the beggining of the south preparing for war. -
Fort Sumter attacked
Lincoln decided to supply fort sumter. He was intending for the south to fire the first shot. This marked the beggining of the Civil War. -
Bull Run
First big kickoff of the war where many deaths occured. Confederates won the battle. The Union then retreated back to washington, this showed the souths power. -
Monitor Vs. Merrimac
This is the first ironclad battle in history. No side won as it ended in a draw. The Union blockade of the south was then maintained however. -
New Orleans Captured
The Union siezed new Orleans. Major turning point in the wasr as the south lost new orleans. 11 Southern ships sank in the process. This was a big loss for the south -
Lee led a heavily outnumbrered army to McClellan. This was the most bloody battle as there were 23000 casaulties. Lee retreated to virginia. There were more casaulties then all the other American wars combined. -
Emancipation Proclomation
Stated after the battle at Antietam. Did not affect border states but stated that rebelling states would have the slaves freed. Forced joining Euro powers to choose a stance on slavery. Could not be enforced on the south. -
General Hooker was defeated by Lee. Jackson was mistakenly shot by his own men and killed. Showed the military genious of Robert E. Lee. -
One of the longest sieges of the Civil war. Grant captures Vicksburg. This gave union controll to Mississippi river to the north. -
Largest battle of the western hemisphere. Lee ended up retreating after 3 days. One of the bloodiest wars of the War. -
Grant was well prepeared for this as he was able to push southern troops back. This oppened up an oppurtunity to attack atlanta. Atlanta was the heart of the confederacy. -
Grant given control
Grant was put in charge of the Union army. He was preparing for an assault on richmond. Lincoln asked him not to be notified of the plans. -
Wilderness and Spotsylvania
Lee stopped his troops at the wilderness. Grant continued to march even though he lost a bunch of casaulties. Grant statedd that he would not stop fighting. -
Grant focussed on important railroad junction. Troops lived in trenches for 50 miles. One of the longest lasting battles going untill APrill of 65. -
Sherman destroyed atlanta and wanted to destroy more. he sent his troops on a 300 mil march to the sea. He tore up houses railroads and towns leaving the south in a mess. -
Lee surrenders. This marks the end of the war. Lee did not want to see his troops suffer any more. -
Lincoln Shot
Lincolns death was tragic for the newly victorious north. He worked so hard and was killed. This casued his reconstruction plan to not be put in place. LBJ took over after Lincoln.