Lincoln is Elected
South Carolina Secedes
Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas Secede
- begin to seize federal property
Fort Sumter: Beginning of Civil War
Voluntary Draft Needed in North
Davis/Stephens Elected as Confederacy Pres/VP
Trent Affair
- Wilkes (U) stops British vessel (thinks that they are with Confederates) (kind of are - Slidell, Mason are hiding on it!)
- brings them back to Boston (violating maritime law)
- US eventually apologizes
New Orleans Captured by Union
- begins to isolate South
Confiscation Acts
- frees slaves used for insurrections, later frees all slaves of those in favor of slavery
Battle of Antietam
Lee retreats, so Union kind of wins. Bloodiest day of battle. -
Emancipation Proclamation
- frees all slaves in Confederacy (does not apply to border slave states that never seceded)
- formally signed on 1 January 1863
- Grant forces Southern troops out of Kentucky/Tennessee
- Union victory @ Shiloh
- Union victory @ Mufreesboro
- Second Battle of Bull Run (Union retreat)
- Battle of Fredericksburg
Battle of Gettysburg
Vicksburg Surrender
Draft Needed in North
- leads to riots in North (many don't want to fight for slavery)
Battle of Wilderness
Sherman Captures Atlanta
- begins March to the Sea
Lincoln wins 1864 Election
- vs. McClellan (D)
- Union victories help popularity
Grant Appointed as Union Commander of Armies
- first successful one after 3 others offered position
- out to damage resources
- Lee appointed as Confederate general
Lee Surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse
13th Amendment Ratified
- abolishes slavery
End of War, Beginning of Reconstruction