LIncoln wins Close Race
Abraham Lincoln was in a four way race fo president of the United States. Although he does not win a popular majority and is not even on the ballot in nine southern states. He earns enough electrol votes to beat all the others. -
South Carolina First to secede
South Carolina officially secedes from the Union, becoming the first state to do so -
Civil War
Mississippi secedes from the Union. -
Lincoln Inauguration
Abraham lincoln is inaugurated as the sixteeth president of the United States. In his inaugral Address he gives a stark warning to the south: he will not tolerate secession -
lincoln Reguests Army
Lincoln addresses congress and reguests the enlistment of a Union Army. Congress authorizes a call for 500,000 men. It is clear now that the war will not be short. -
First battle of Bull Run.
The first battle of Bull Run puts Irvin Mcdowell against the new Confedarate.Mcdowell is defeated and that causes a panicked retreat back to washington. -
Battle of Shiloh
2 battle of Bull Run
A confounding victory for Confederate General Stonewell Jackson -
The Emancipation Proclamation
This bill free's all slaves in territory captured by the union army. -
The Military Draft
This draft requires every man to serve the army unless he can furnish a substitute or pay the government $300. -
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