-Shots fired on Fort Sumter
The southern states took over most of the federal forts inside their borders, as they seceded from the Union.Lincoln had to decide what to do about the forts that remained under federal control.Robert Anderson and his garrison held on to Fort Sumter in the harbor of Charleston. -
First Battle of Bull Run
-On july 21,1861 union forces commanded by General Irvin McDowell clashed with Confederate forces headed by General Pierre Beauregard near a little creek called Bull Run north or Manassas. -
Monitor and Merrimack clash
In the first ironclad battle the Confederate Virgina battled the Union Monitor off the coast of Virgina in 1862. After battling for four hours the battle ended in a draw. -
Battle of Shiloh
-Grants troops had reached Pittsburg
Landing on the Tennesse river
- Grant waited for troops for Nashville
-Johnston surprized the union forces in Nort from Corinth on April 6, 1862 -
Fall of New Orleans
-Spring of 1862 brought bad news from the Confederacy
-A union fleet led by David Farragut captured New Orleans, the largest city in the South in April 25
-Rebel gunboats sinked the unions warships
- Farragut's had to dodge burning rafts and run thorough cannon fire in order to reach the city -
Battle of Antietam
Acccidentally, a Confederate left a copy of Lee's battle plans wrapped around three cigars at a campsite.When Union came to rest, a soldier stumbled on the plans. And McClellan stop Lee and his army.Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest day in all of American history. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which freed all slaves in Confederate territory.It had a tremendous impact on the public.And it freed very few slaves. -
Battle of Vicksburg
-Grant had defeated Confederate troops at the Siege of Vicksburg.
-Vicksburg was the last major Confederate strong hold on the river.
-When Grants attack failed he settled for a long siege.
-Troops surrenderded the city and prevented the delivery of food and supplies.
-Confederate ate mules,dogs,and rats.
-The south was split into two -
Battle of Gettysburg
-Jul. 1 the Confederate ran into the troops.
-Both sides called for reinforcements and thats battle of Gettysburg started.
-last for three days
-90,000 troops ordered by General George Meade
-75,000 Confederates. -
Gettysburg Address
-to dedicate a national cemetary on the ground where the battle of Gettysburg happened.
-Loncoln delivered his Gettysburg Address in just over two minutes. -
Lee Surrenders to Grant
Lee wanted to continue fighting, but he knew that his situation was hopeless. Lee and Grant met in the small town of Appomattox Court House to arrange the surrenders.