Missouri Compromise
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Compromise of 1850
Shots Fired at Fort Sumter
The Confederate Army defeats the Union army at the First Battle of Bull Run in VA
The ironclad ships USS Monitor and CSS Virginia battle, ending in a draw
Battle of Anietam
Casualties total 26,000; Lee's invasion of North ends in retreat -
President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclomation
eventually frees all slaves -
Battle of Gettysburg
Turning point in was- Union armydefeats the Congederate army -
Confederate troops surender town of Vicksburg
after 40 days of nonstop cannon assultrs from Union troops -
Gettysburg Address
by President Lincoln at the dedication of a national cemetary on the site of the battlefield in Gettysburg -
Union army captures Atlanta, Georgia
Sherman's troops burn the city to the ground -
Lincoln reelected
Confederate Gen. Lee surrenders to Union Gen. Grant at Appomattox Court House, VA
Lincolns assassination