Fort Sumter
this was the first battle of the war, the reason why for the attack? the confederates were showing they wanted to be independent. the battle lasted till the union ran out of ammo, the union was forced to surrender. no one was killed. -
Battle Of Bull Run
the confederates became victories because they use calvary to drive the Union to retreat. the Confederates were outnumbered by 2 to 3. -
Battle Of Gettysburg
the battle lasted 2 to 3 days, the union won aginst the Confederates because of the number of men, on both sides: Confederates- 7000 Union-94000 -
Shermans march
the confederates were desperate for food and stole food from union farms, during the 285-mile march. the battle ended in December 21st of 1864 -
Surrender at Appomattox Court house
Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to the Union general Ulysses S. Grant. after the surrender, the south was allowed to keep their weapons