The core was founded in order to make ablacks and whites some day equal. This played a big role in segregation in years to come were the core helped out with protesting and fundrasing. -
Jackie Robinson
Jackie Robinson was the first African American ball player to get a fair amount of playing time in a major leauge game. He stood up for what was right and gave blacks all around the world hope and confidence. -
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks was a strong and couragous women. She refused to give up her seat on the bus simply because she was tired. She was then arrested. This led to the bus boyvott and showed peopole blacks were doing nothing wrong yet still getting harrased. -
Montomry BUs boycott
Black people refused to ride the bus and either walk or take the underground taxi servicesimply because they were sick of getting harresed by the white people. This had a huge affect because black people most commonly toook the bus and it was not making the white people any money that the seats were not getting filled -
Sit in Movement
four college students had gone to a restraunt were they were harresd and didnt do a thing about it. This grabbed peoples attention and finally more and more blacks would ocme in and take the harrasement from the white people to ahow how inncoent they were along with get press photos up to the northern states in order to show people what was going on. -
Passing the Civil Rights Act.
This banned dicrimation against African American people in employment and public accomidation . This was taking a huge step forward because it was now a law and there was no more segregation allowed. Even though it was still continued after the passing of the law it helped the civil rights become what they are today -
Voting Rights
Passed by a lrage majority of congress black peopole could now register and vote. This was a huge deal because they were finally starting to be recongnized as poeple. The white people were usaully head of the politcal party and now need black votes in order to stay on top so they had to be kinder and nicer to these poeple.