Civil Rights Timeline

  • Civil War Ends

  • African Americans Get "Right To Vote"

    Fifteenth Amendment is passed and African Americans technically have the right to vote.
  • Formation of NAACP

  • African American Migration

    Moved to cities after Civil War
  • LULAC Is Formed

  • The New Deal

    President Roosevelt passed the New Deal.
  • World War II Starts

    World War II begins.
  • Congress Of Radical Equality

    (CORE) dedicated to bringing change through peaceful confrontation. it demonstrated against segregation in cities.
  • World War II Ends

    World War II finally comes to an end.
  • Rise of the NAACP

  • Native Americans

    Government adopted a new approach called the termination. Which sought to eliminate reservations.
  • Brown Vs. Board Of Education

    Court declared that the "separate but equal" doctrine was unconstitutional and could not be applied to public education.
  • Rosa Parks

    She sat on the bus in the no color section and when a white person and the bus driver demanded her to move so he can sit she refused to get up. At the next stop, Parks was arrested for not moving.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    After the arrest of Rosa Parks, Black men and women started a boycott of the buses in Montgomery.
  • Nonviolence

    Protests would be only peaceful and nonviolent to show peace and non aggression.
  • SCLC

    advocated the pracrice of nonviolent protest. Shifted the focus of the civil rights movement to the South.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Nine African American kids chosen by the government to attend white schools and had to be escorted by police due to the violence and rage felt by the students and teachers.
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    was a leader and peaceful protester. Encouraged other African Americans to fight for desegregation and the rights of voting. He won the Nobel Peace prize in 1964
  • SNCC

    It was made for students active in the struggle. Nearly 200 students showed up for the first meeting. The student leaders met with Baker and other SCLC and CORE leaders and voted to maintain their independence from other civil rights groups. They became a permanent and separate organization They opposed to the gradual change advocated by most of the older organizations.
  • Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was finally passed.
  • Martin Luther King Gets Assasinated

    Dr. King is killed outside his motel in Memphis.
  • Civil Rights Act

    President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1968 on April 11. This act prohibits discrimination by renters or sellers of property.