Brown Vs. Board of Education
The supreme Court decided that segregated schools could never be equal, and brought an end to school segregation. -
Rosa Parks get Arrested
Rosa Parks, a black woman, refuses tve o giup her bus seat for a white man and gets arrested for it. This starts the Montgomery Bus Boycott. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott Starts
17,000 African American people stop taking buses and find other means of transportation for more than a year before bus segregation is banned. -
Montgomery Bus Buycott Ends
The Supreme Court decides that Segregation on buses in Alabama is unconstitutional -
Little Rock 9 Start School
After a couple of days unsuccessfully entering Little Rock High School in Arkansas because of mobs preventing them, the nine African American high school students enter the school under protection of armed soldiers -
Sit-Ins Start
Four African American college students sit down at a whites-only lunch counter in Woolworth store, and every day more people come to sit down and support the movement. Soon people were doing this everywhere, and eventually store owners gave in, as they were losing too much money. -
Childrens Marches
With few people willing to risk getting arrested, children started helping with the marches. Thousands of children as young as 6 marched through Birmingham as police used fire hoses and nightsticks and released attack dogs against the marchers. -
Troops come to Birmingham
President Kennedy sends 3000 army troops to Birmingham to restore peace. -
"I Have a Dream" Speech
A quarter of a million people march through Washington DC to speed up the civil rights bill, and Martin Luther King Jr. gives the "I Have A Dream" speech. -
Malcolm X Dies
One of the leaders of the Nation of Islam who supported Africans Americans and favored seperation from whites. -
Martin Luther King Jr. Dies
Martin Luther King Jr. is shot by James Earl in Memphis, Tennessee.