Civil Rights Timeline

  • 13,14,15 Amendments

    13,14,15 Amendments
    Known as civil war amendments. And were the first rights added to the constitution in 60 years. It made slavery illegal, gave the right to vote, and gave rights and citizenship to African-Americans. But just because the rights were there and the law was there, doesn't mean racism just disappeared, society was still brainwashed from being taught racism and they were prejudice and racist.
  • Tuskegee Institute created

    Tuskegee Institute created
    Provided students and teachers academic and vocational learning/training. It was a school for African-Americans.
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    Established the separate but equal law and later formed into Jim crow laws. Homer Plessy took a white-only seat in a Louisiana train.(keep in mind the state of Louisiana made a law that required separate railway cars for black and white people). He didn't move from his seat and was arrested, he also is 1/8 black. These discriminatory practices were spread and didn't begin to change until 1954, but there was so much racism taught and build in society.
  • NAACP created

    NAACP created
    Stands for The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and is a civil rights organization. TRied to help eliminate challenges faced by African-Americans, specifically in the 1908 Springfield (Illinois) Race Riot.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Allowed citizens the right to vote regardless of sex. This was a huge deal to women and the women's suffrage movement. There were a lot of protests and demands.
  • Emmett Till's Death

    Emmett Till's Death
    14 year old, young Emmett Till was brutally murdered. He is an African-American boy born in Chicago that came to visit family in Mississippi. But he was murdered because he was, what ppl think, "flirting" with a white woman. Two white men abducted, beat, and lynched. He was shot, put in a river, until he was found a couple of days later being weighed down by a cotton gin fan. His mother kept his casket open so ppl can see the brutality and it sparked activists and resistance for civil rights.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Started when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat and was arrested. This started a boycott, which was a social protest campaign going against racial segregation. This ended up being successful after a little over a year. MLK attended this protest too.
  • SLCC formed

    SLCC formed
    A civil rights organization to protest segregation. Established by MLK. Used non-violent methods. At Montgomery Alabama's segregated bus system, they staged a 381-day boycott.
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    First African-American teens(nine) to enter little rock central high school. Led to the supreme court desegregating schools. Caused by brown vs board of education and segregation.
  • SNCC formed

    SNCC formed
    SNCC stands for Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee. This group protested against racial discrimination nonviolently. Somewhat started the sit-in movement.
  • March on Washington – “I have a Dream Speech”

    March on Washington – “I have a Dream Speech”
    MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech was delivered during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. He was talking about civil rights and fighting to end racism and discrimination in the US. This was successful bc it pressured John F. Kennedy to start a strong federal civil rights bill in Congress.
  • 24 Amendment

    24 Amendment
    The 24th amendment became part of the US constitution when South Dakota ratified it. This amendment prohibited the Congress or state to charge a poll tax or any tax when voting for elections. Poll tax directly affected African-American voters.
  • March from Selma Alabama

    March from Selma Alabama
    This was a nonviolent protest march. Protesting for African-American rights, with the right to vote. And to stop facing oppression. This led to the voting rights act of 1965.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    It didn't allow literacy tests as a requirement to vote. The south developed this for women and black people as a method to stop them from voting. But this voting right got rid of this discriminatory practice.
  • Black Panthers

    Black Panthers
    A political party founded by college students Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton. The organization was against peaceful protest, they were for Malcome X ideals, which were violent if needed. This created a shift in the movement, things were more violent if needed than peaceful protest(MLK ideals).
  • MLK assassinated

    MLK assassinated
    Martin Luther King Jr. was the leader of the civil rights provement, and was very influential, he preached nonviolence. Unfortunately, he was assassinated, by a conspiracy theory with the US government and mafia or something. The assassin was a racist. MLK was brought to the hospital, but passed away an hour later at the age of 39.