Civil rights timeline

  • Jackie Robinson enters Major League Baseball

    Jackie Robinson enters Major League Baseball
    Jackie Robinson was the first African American to join the MLB and he was also insanely good with 137 home runs after nine years. He also opened the doors for a lot more African Americans to want to join the MLB or more sports.
  • Executive Order 9981 signed by President Truman

    Executive Order 9981 signed by President Truman
    This executive order was signed to desegregate the U.S. military which effectively ended discrimination in the military. This allowed African Americans to now serve in any branch without segregation.
  • Emmett Till is murdered

    Emmett Till is murdered
    This 14 year old boy was visiting a small town in Mississippi and was abducted and lynched for allegedly whistling at a white woman offending her, Carolyn Bryant, in her family's grocery store. the boy's brutally beaten body was found floating in the Tallahatchie River.
  • Rosa Parks Arrest

    Rosa Parks Arrest
    Rosa Parks was arrested for disorderly conduct for not giving up her seat in the front of the bus for a white man but was later bailed out by white friends Clifford Durr, an attorney, and his wife, Virginia.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    The Montgomery bus boycott was a civil rights protest against segregated seats and Rosa Parks arrest for not giving up her seat. Almost all Africans American would not ride the bus they would ride bikes or anything other than riding that bus.
  • Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court Ruling

    Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court Ruling
    Brown went against the education board because his daughter was not allowed entry into a white elementary school. it was eventually ruled that the segregation in public schools based on race was unconditional
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957 is passed

    Civil Rights Act of 1957 is passed
    The Civil Rights Act of 1957 was passed and there was a court branch called the civil rights branch and this was the first time the government undertook significant legislative action to protect civil rights.
  • Little Rock Nine Intervention

    Little Rock Nine Intervention
    The little rock nine went to Central High School once before and got stopped by the national guard but they went a second time but this time they were accompanied by federal troops protecting them.
  • Greensboro Sit-In Protest

    Greensboro Sit-In Protest
    It was a series of protests against segregated lunch counter in result they removed their segregation policy.
  • Integration of Ole Miss Riots

    Integration of Ole Miss Riots
    a group of over 2,000 segregationist and other students decided to riot when a African American Air Force veteran and there ended up being two people killed.
  • The Birmingham Children’s March

    The Birmingham Children’s March
    Over 1,000 African American school students skipped school to march to the mayor to discuss the segregation in their city. this was very impactful because that amount of students not in school is going to cause some kind of attention.
  • George Wallace’s “Stand in the Schoolhouse Door”

    George Wallace’s “Stand in the Schoolhouse Door”
    This was a failed attempt of George Wallace to stop and block the radical integration in the university of Alabama.
  • March on Washington / I Have a Dream Speech

    March on Washington / I Have a Dream Speech
    Martin Luther King Jr. made one of his most popular speeches at the Lincoln memorial and the speech was called "I have a dream" and it was attended by thousands, he talks about the long history of racial injustice in America and encourages his audience to hold their country accountable.
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    thousands of students from different collages and different backgrounds and civil rights organizations to protest the one goal they all were there for which was to increase voter registration among African Americans in Mississippi.
  • The Selma Marches / Bloody Sunday

    The Selma Marches / Bloody Sunday
    There was 3 different marches along the 54- mile highway in Alabama but was stopped once violently by officers beating unarmed marchers with Billy clubs and spraying teargas.