Civil Rights Timeline

  • Sweatt v. Painter

    Sweatt v. Painter
    There was a school of law of the Texas university which was only for black people .That it permitted blacks to apply to graduate and professional programs.
  • Emmett Tills Murder

    Emmett Tills Murder
    It was tills murder he was killed by some white people because he was accused for whistling at a girl at a gas station.They people that murdered him where found not guilty once that happened they explained how they had murdered him.
  • Period: to

    Montgomery Bus Boycott

    They wanted to protest about segregated seating because African Americans weren't allowed to sit on the bus and they would have to give up their seat to a american.Rosa parks was sitting in a seat and she refused to give up her seat she got arrested.
  • Little Rock Nine Crisis

    Little Rock Nine Crisis
    It was where nine kids where elected to go to a white school because they where very smart kids, the whites didn't want them their.They had to be with security guards walking them to their classes and getting in and out of the school.
  • Cooper v. Aaron

    Cooper v. Aaron
    They had lack of support from the state and general that they had to postpone the little rock school board plan for two and a half years .They were working on segregation schools.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Protest against segregation from the black and whites that would have to ride the bus together in the american south. The US supreme court banned segregation in travel busses. P,S
  • Heart Of Atlanta Motel v. US

    Heart Of Atlanta Motel v. US
    The US supreme court passed it prohibited segregation and discrimination in places of public accommodation.The owner from the hotel refused to have black customers. S,P,A
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    It was to overcome legal barriers and local levels that was to prevent the African Americans exercising their right to vote that was under the 15th amendment.That the right vote would be denied to people of race,color,and servitude. S,N
  • Assassination of Malcolm X

    Assassination of Malcolm X
    He got assassinated while he was addressing his organization of Afro-american unity at Audubon ballroom in Washington .The person that shot him got charged with first degree murder.
  • Assassination Of Martin Luther King Jr.

    Assassination Of Martin Luther King Jr.
    He got shot while he was standing on the second floor balcony in a motel.Once he was dead their where more than 100 Americans that started rioting,looting,and violence. V,P
  • Swann vs. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

    Swann vs. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
    The supreme court upheld busing programs that was to speed up racial integration in public schools in the US.The racial segregation in public schools was made unconstitutional. S,N
  • Northern Violence Over School Integration

    The majority of the southern whites and the a large proportion of northern whites were getting prepared to fight the desegregation of the public schools.They were passing laws that were to defeat desegregation.
  • Shirley´s Chisholm´s presidential Campaign

    Shirley´s Chisholm´s presidential Campaign
    She was the first black person for presidential nominations from one of the two major parties.There was some people that didn't take her seriously the only ones that were voting her where black women but she was struggling because some black men and whites weren't really supporting her.
  • Hank Aaron´s Home Run Record

    Hank Aaron´s Home Run Record
    He hit the 715 career home run and he broke Babes Ruth record of 714.He received a lot of death threats and racist mail.
  • University Of California Regents v. Bakke

    University Of California Regents v. Bakke
    The supreme court declared that affirmative action became constitutional it also invalidated the use of racial quotas . Bakke was a student their and he charged for suffering unfair reverse discrimination and he had argued that it was contrasting the civil rights act of 1964 and equal protection.